🤖 Coin Manager (Discord Bot)

A discord bot built with discord.js which will manage your member's coins !


  • Discord Bot Token Guide

  • Node.js v18.7.0 or newer


  • /help
  • /ping
  • /server
  • /createwallet
  • /addcoins
  • /mycoins
  • /showhistory
  • !introduce (in development)

🚀 Getting Started

  git clone https://github.com/HarshZode/DiscordJS-Ryaz-Bot
  npm install node @discordjs/rest dotenv mongoose

Once all the packages are installed, open env file and fill out the values.

⚠️Note: Never commit or share your token or api keys publicly⚠️

DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN= paste_bot_token_here
BOT_ID = paste_bot_id_here
SERVER_ID = paste_server_id_here
WELCOME_CHANNEL_ID = paste_channel_id_here
USER_ID_WHO_CAN_ADD_COINS = paste_user_id_here
COMMON_ROLE_ID = paste_role_id_here
MONGODB_LINK = mongodb_link_here

After that, open deploy-commands.js and run node ./deploy-commands.js

App Screenshot

Note: Everytime you make changes in this file, make sure to run node ./deploy-commands.js

You can also add your slash commands to this bot.

Once you have filled the values, open terminal and use node . to run the bot

App Screenshot

⚠️Note: Validate your IP Address in your MongoDB server⚠️

And your bot is ready to go !

App Screenshot

You can also change the image shown in the embed by simply editing iconURL in src/embeds.js

📝 Features & Commands In Details

  • Sends a welcome message in the channel once a new user joins

App Screenshot

- /help Shows all commands of the bot

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- /ping Displays API Latency

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- /createwallet Creates the wallet for the user

Note: The user must have the same role which was added to .env file

App Screenshot

- /addcoins

Note: This command can be used by the user who's Discord Id is filled in place of USER_ID_WHO_CAN_ADD_COINS in .env file

This command as 2 options, add coins to user or add coins to users having a specific role.

App Screenshot

You must select only one option among these options.

Adding coins to a user

Add the amount of coins you want to add and select the user in user options

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App Screenshot

Adding coins everyone having a specific role

Add the amount of coins you want to add and select the role in role option.

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

- /mycoins

Shows available coins of the user

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- /sendcoins

Send your coins to other user.

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App Screenshot

Note: It will also mention the user who has the permission to add coins for keeping the track of the coin transfer done between the users.

- /showhistory

This command will show you all the coin transfers done till now.

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

- /introduce

Introduce yourself to the member's of the server

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- /findintroduction

Find user's introduction

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⚠️Note: Only user's with COMMON_ROLE can use this command ⚠️

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- !introduce ⚠️ Note: This command can be used but it is still in development.⚠️

Using this command, new users can introduce themself to other user's in server. The bot will ask a series of questions to the user and after the user answers all the questions, the bot will save his introduction.

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

Note: This command can be used but it is still in development.