
vigcoin web apis

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Build Status Coverage Status License: GPL v3

Web Api for vigcoin


Webapi is tested on ubuntu 16.04. Other Linux platform can easily adapte to use vigcoin webapi.

Before running webapi, here are some bash steps you should follow:

sudo apt-get install gcc make
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/calidion/chinese-noder-the-easy-way/master/install.sh | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"

config npm (For Chinese)

If you are in China and find it very slow to install npm packages. The following instruction will be helpful.

Create a file

touch ~/.npmrc

with the following content.


You can add the following optional content when necessary:


Run Web API server

platform: ubuntu 18.04/16.04

Run with ts-node

  1. git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/vigcoin/webapi.git

  2. cd webapi && npm install

  3. npm install -g ts-node

  4. ts-node src/main.ts

default port is 8080, use PORT=8081 ts-node src/main.ts to change port number

Run with pm2

  1. git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/vigcoin/webapi.git

  2. cd webapi && npm install

  3. npm install -g pm2 && pm2 install typescript

  4. pm2 start src/main.ts

Web APIs

Wallet API

Create Wallet

  1. url


  1. Parameters


  1. Response JSON

address: Address for the wallet spend: Private key for spending. view: Private key for viewing.

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "address": "BFrj6s15vg47Za5ipA46m8CjV59nsEeeNSSozZzs9WEo759Prf3zXke4caP22RESH5Yj2GJubQ6WPCDBR78MX3myNaHsWME",
    "spend": "32e4e5f72797c2fc0e2dda4e80e61bd0093934a305af08c9d3b942715844aa08",
    "view": "95a27c683df6a73bfc238d78fc55f414c699735d60fad4e3a999806763cb340d"
  "message": "成功!",
  "name": "Success"

Open Wallet

  1. url


  1. Parameters
Parameter Name Type Optional
file File N
password String Y
  1. Response JSON

address: Address for the wallet spend: Private key for spending. view: Private key for viewing.

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "address": "BFrj6s15vg47Za5ipA46m8CjV59nsEeeNSSozZzs9WEo759Prf3zXke4caP22RESH5Yj2GJubQ6WPCDBR78MX3myNaHsWME",
    "keys": {
      "spend": "32e4e5f72797c2fc0e2dda4e80e61bd0093934a305af08c9d3b942715844aa08",
      "view": "95a27c683df6a73bfc238d78fc55f414c699735d60fad4e3a999806763cb340d"
  "message": "成功!",
  "name": "Success"

Refine Wallet

Old vigcoin saves cache in wallet file. New vigcoin wallet will use no cache in wallet file.

cache files will be separated from wallet.

  1. url


  1. Parameters
Parameter Name Type Optional
file File N
password String Y
  1. Response File

will retrun an file which is in a vigcoin wallet format


return status 500 if wrong.

Generate Wallet from Keys

  1. url


  1. Parameters
Parameter Name Type Optional
spend String N
view String N

spend/view are spend and view private keys.

  1. Response File

will retrun an file which is in a vigcoin wallet format


return status 500 if wrong.