
[Bug] Allow search of location and filtering of duration simultaneously

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Current behavior: A user cannot search a location and filter guides by duration at the same time
Expected behavior: A user can both search for a location and filter by location simultaneously

Steps to Replicate

Testing link: Soli

  1. on explore page, search a city
  2. specify a guide duration for the city you searched
  3. reset search, and specify a guide duration, then search a city

Screen recording

@rkoch2 is this going to be addressed by #46? It seemed different enough to me to make a separate ticket, but I can add this stuff to #46 or delete this if it's redundant :)

rkoch2 commented

@sadiefinn thanks for catching this -- I think it might be something that Anya and I need to pair on. Based on the changes to the URL after searching, it looks like some parameters are being cleared when you search using the city search. Not sure if that's something on the backend or frontend. Also tagging @anyaparekh on this

@rkoch2 @anyaparekh the edits I made to #46 seem like they could be stemming from the same issue. lmk if you want me to move this information around in a way that makes more sense