Android tutorials

  1. DiceRoller: Build a basic android application
  2. AboutMe: A simple app to learn about layout
  3. ColorMyViews: An app to learn about constraint_layouts
  4. TriviaApp: An app to learn about app navigation (activities and fragments)
  5. DesertPusher: An app to learn about activity lifecycle
  6. GuessTheWord: An app to understand the app architecture (MVVM)
  7. SleepQualityTracker: An app to learn about persistant storage (using Room library)
  8. SleepQualityTrackerWithRecyclerViews: An app to learn about recycler views
  9. AllBoutViews: An all rounder app to learn about android

Things to remember

  1. Prefer downloadable fonts over adding fonts to your app. If you add a font (.ttf or .woff files) to your app, it won't be shared by other apps using the same font. Whereas, if you choose downloadable font (font file ending with xml), google play services will reuse the same font for all apps that want to use that font.