- Set some variables that will be reused throughout the tutorial:
export SOURCE_PROJECT=vic-gcloud-export-source-8
export DEST_PROJECT=vic-gcloud-destination-8
export PROJECT_CREATION_ARGS='--folder=301779790514'
export BILLING_ACCOUNT=005196-7B06D5-7D3824
- Create source project and resources
gcloud projects create ${PROJECT_CREATION_ARGS} ${SOURCE_PROJECT}
gcloud beta billing projects link --billing-account=${BILLING_ACCOUNT} ${SOURCE_PROJECT}
gcloud config set project ${SOURCE_PROJECT}
gcloud services enable cloudasset.googleapis.com cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com
- Create destination project.
gcloud projects create ${PROJECT_CREATION_ARGS} ${DEST_PROJECT}
gcloud beta billing projects link --billing-account=${BILLING_ACCOUNT} ${DEST_PROJECT}
gcloud config set project ${DEST_PROJECT}
gcloud services enable cloudasset.googleapis.com cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com compute.googleapis.com iam.googleapis.com sourcerepo.googleapis.com
- Install the Kubernetes Config Connector in Minikube
- Export the resources to KRM format
mkdir -p kcc-demo/infra
rm -rf kcc-demo/infra/*
# Install the Kubernetes config-connector binary
echo y | sudo apt-get install -y google-cloud-sdk-config-connector
gcloud alpha resource-config bulk-export --path kcc-demo/infra/ --project ${SOURCE_PROJECT} \
--resource-types compute.googleapis.com/Instance,compute.googleapis.com/Network,compute.googleapis.com/Subnetwork,storage.googleapis.com/Bucket,compute.googleapis.com/Firewall,serviceusage.googleapis.com/Service
- Compile the santization function
cd fn/sanitize-bulk-export/
go build -o ../../sanitize-bulk-export
cd ../..
- Initialize the kpt package
cd kcc-demo
kpt pkg init .
kpt live init .
# Copy in the kpt declarative funciton
sed s/DEST_PROJECT/${DEST_PROJECT}/g ../fn/sanitize.yaml > infra/sanitize.yaml
sed -i s/SOURCE_PROJECT/${SOURCE_PROJECT}/g infra/sanitize.yaml
cd ..
- Inspect the configuration with --dry-run
kpt fn run kcc-demo/infra --enable-exec --dry-run
- Ensure KCC is up and running
kubectl wait -n cnrm-system --for=condition=Ready pod --all
- Apply the config
kpt fn run kcc-demo/infra --enable-exec
- Create the git repo in Cloud Source Repositories
gcloud source repos create kcc-demo
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f config-sync
- Add your SSH public key by visiting the SSH key page:
cat config-sync.pub
Visit the Register SSH Key.
- Push your config to the repo
cd kcc-demo
git init .
git checkout -b main
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin https://source.developers.google.com/p/${DEST_PROJECT}/r/kcc-demo
git push --set-upstream origin main
cd ..
- Install and configure Config Sync
minikube delete --profile kcc
gcloud projects delete ${DEST_PROJECT}
gcloud projects delete ${SOURCE_PROJECT}
rm -rf kcc-demo