
Reproducibility code for “A New Test for Hamming-Weight Dependencies”, by David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna

Primary LanguageC

Replication code

The code in this archive can be used to replicate the results of the paper “A New Test for Hamming–Weight Dependencies”, by David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna.

The tests described in the paper can be replicated in sequence using the script test-all.sh. To speed up the process, the script has been broken into several subscripts, each testing a different generator; such scripts can be run in a parallel or distributed fashion. Note that some of the slowest tests (e.g., for well512a) requires months to be completed.

All scripts make it possible to append arguments that will be passed to the compilter. If you are running on a Linux distribution supporting huge pages, giving the option -DHWD_MMAP will enable huge pages.

hwd.c is the code for the test described in the paper. With respect to the official distribution, it contains some additional conditionally compiled code in main() to initialize a few generators that cannot be initialized statically. prng_hwd.c contain the code for the generators to be tested: each generator can be selected with a #define.

After a test is completed, a p-value smaller than 10^-20 is printed. The faulty signature can be easily spotted by checking which signature has the lowest p-value. Note that in a few cases the amount of data quoted in the paper is slightly smaller than the one in the final output because looking at previous outputs one can realize that there is a better approximation.