Information board made for my school with Löve for single board Raspberry Pi computers. Made to be displayed on vertical displays.
As of time of writing, it displays nothing more than the best girl holding an energy drink from UsagiSii, because our backend is not finished yet and this is currently used as a stress-testing tool to see how far can we push RPi and it's OpenGL capabilities.
Also the main reason it's here on GitHub is for auto-update capabilities later on.
Both instructions assume you're using a fresh install of Raspbian 10 Buster.
There is a script prepared called
however it is untested and may or may not mess your setup up. It's not reccommended so use at your own discretion.
To use this script, simply run the script with root.
chmod +x ./
sudo ./
Install these dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git love xserver-xorg xinit
Enable OpenGL driver (fake KMS is fine)
sudo raspi-config
Clone this repository and launch it (with Xserver running)
git clone
love sayotv
The configuration isn't easily customizable, so manual labor is required.
For developement (and saving our necks) we can turn off the vertical mode in conf.lua
's header.
server = 'http://localhost:89' --server to fetch data from (see dummy.js for an example server)
vertigoMode = false --vertical rotation (automatically enabled for Linux devices)
vertigoOrientation = -1 --orientation (1 rotates clockwise; -1 rotates counterclockwise)
scale = 0.5 --scale down (for developement, mostly; on Linux set to 1)
scrWidth = 1920 --screen width
scrHeight = 1080 --screen height
primaryColor = { 1.0, 0.1, 0.0 } --header/footer color (float values)
Logo can be changed by replacing the file at assets/logo.png
or changing the filename at components/staticparts.lua
local logo = lg.newImage('assets/logo.png')