
100 days, at least 1 hour a day, of learning the Python programming language.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

100 Days of Python

100 days, at least 1 hour a day, of learning the Python programming language.


Start Date: January 5, 2023
End Date: April 15, 2023

I am currently working through 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023


Day 1 - January 5, 2023: Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data || Project: Band Name Generator

Day 2 - January 6, 2023: Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings || Project: Tip Calculator

Day 3 - January 7, 2023: Control Flow and Logical Operators || Project: Treasure Island

Day 4 - January 8, 2023: Randomisation and Python Lists || Project: Rock Paper Scissors Game

Day 5 - January 9, 2023: Python Loops || Project: Password Generator

Day 6 - January 10, 2023: Python Functions & Karel || Project: Escaping the Maze

Day 7 - January 11, 2023: Building Hangman || Project: Hangman

Day 8 - January 12, 2023: Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher || Project: Caesar Cipher

Day 9 - January 13, 2023: Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction || Project: Blind Auction

Day 10 - January 14, 2023: Functions with Outputs || Project: Calculator

Day 11 - January 15, 2023: The Blackjack Capstone Project || Project: Blackjack Capstone Project

Day 12 - January 16, 2023: Scope & Number Guessing Game || Project: The Number Guessing Game

Day 13 - January 17, 2023: Debugging - How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code || Project: NA (Just some basic debugging tips)

Day 14 - January 18, 2023: Higher Lower Game Project || Project: Higher Lower Game

Day 15 - January 19, 2023: Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine || Project: Coffee Machine

Day 16 - January 20, 2023: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) || Project: Coffee Machine

Day 17 - January 21, 2023: The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP || Project: Quiz Game

Day 18 - January 22, 2023: Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI) || Project: Hirst Painting

Day 19 - January 23, 2023: Instances, State and Higher Order Functions || Project: Turtle Race

Day 20 - January 24, 2023: Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates || Project: Snake Game (PART 1)

Day 21 - January 25, 2023: Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing || Project: Snake Game (PART 2)

Day 22 - January 26, 2023: Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game || Project: Pong Game

Day 23 - January 27, 2023: The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project || Project: Turtle Crossing Capstone

Day 24 - January 28, 2023: Files, Directories and Paths || Project: Mail Merge

Day 25 - January 29, 2023: Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library || Project: US States Game

Day 26 - January 30, 2023: List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet || Project: NATO Alphabet

Day 27 - January 31, 2023: Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs || Project: Basic GUI Program

Day 28 - February 1, 2023: Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application || Project: Pomodoro App

Day 29 - February 2, 2023: Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter || Project: Password Manager

Day 30 - February 3, 2023: Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password || Project: Passowrd Manager (Improved)

Day 31 - February 4, 2023: Flash Card App Capstone Project || Project: Flash Card App

Day 32 - February 5, 2023: Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime) || Project: Birthday Wisher

Day 33 - February 6, 2023: API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier || Project: issoverhead

Day 34 - February 7, 2023: API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App || Project: GUI Quiz App

Day 35 - February 8, 2023: Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS || Project: Rain Alert

Day 36 - February 9, 2023: Stock Trading News Alert Project || Project: Stock Trading News Alert

Day 37 - February 10, 2023: API Post Requests & Headers || Project: Habbit Tracking

Day 38 - February 11, 2023: Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets || Project: Exercise Tracker

Day 39 - February 12, 2023: Capstone Part 1 || Project: Flight Deal Finder

Day 40 - February 13, 2023: Capstone Part 2 || Project: Flight Club

Day 41 - February 14, 2023: Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML || Project: Na

Day 42 - February 15, 2023: Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML || Project: Na

Day 43 - February 16, 2023: Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS || Project: Na

Day 44 - February 17, 2023: Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS || Project: Na

Day 45 - February 18, 2023: Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup || Project: 100 Movies to Watch Scraper

Day 46 - February 19, 2023: Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine || Project: Music Time Machine

Day 47 - February 20, 2023: Create an Automated Amazon Price Tracker || Project: Amazon Price Tracker

Day 48 - February 21, 2023: Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot || Project: Cookie Clicker Game

Day 49 - February 22, 2023: Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn || Project: Auto Job Application

Day 50 - February 23, 2023: Automation || Project: Auto Tinder Swiping Bot

Day 51 - February 24, 2023: Automation || Project: Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot

Day 52 - February 25, 2023: Automation || Project: Instagram Follower Bot

Day 53 - February 26, 2023: Web Scraping Capstone || Project: Data Entry Job Automation

Day 54 - February 27, 2023: Introduction to Web Development with Flask || Project: Flask Intro

Day 55 - February 28, 2023: HTML & URL Parsing in Flask || Project: Higher Lower Game

Day 56 - March 1, 2023: Rendering HTML Static files and Using Website Templates || Project: Name Card Website

Day 57 - March 2, 2023: Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications || Project: Blog templating Part 1

Day 58 - March 3, 2023: Web Foundation Bootstrap || Project: TinDog Website

Day 59 - March 4, 2023: Adding Styling || Project: Blog Templating Part 2

Day 60 - March 5, 2023: Flask || Project: Making POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms

Day 61 - March 6, 2023: Flask || Project: Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms

Day 62 - March 7, 2023: Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV || Project: Coffee & Wifi Project

Day 63 - March 8, 2023: Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy || Project: Built a SQLite Database into the Flask Website

Day 64 - March 9, 2023: Website Development || Project: My Top 10 Movies Website

Day 65 - March 10, 2023: Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love || Project: Na

Day 66 - March 11, 2023: Building My Own API with RESTful Routing || Project: Cafe API

Day 67 - March 12, 2023: RESTful Routing || Project: Blog Capstone Project Part 3

Day 68 - March 13, 2023: Flask || Project: Authentication with Flask

Day 69 - March 14, 2023: Relational Databases || Project: Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users

Day 70 - March 15, 2023: Deploying Web Application with Heroku || Proejct: Na

Day 71 - March 16, 2023: Data Exploration with Pandas || Project: College Major v.s. Your Salary

Day 72 - March 17, 2023: Data Visualisation with Matplotlib || Project: Data Visualisation of Programming Languages

Day 73 - March 18, 2023: Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas || Project: Analysis of LEGO Dataset

Day 74 - March 19, 2023: Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series || Project: Google Trends Data Visualization

Day 75 - March 20, 2023: Beautiful Plotly Charts || Project: Analysing the Android App Store

Day 76 - March 21, 2023: NumPy || Project: Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays

Day 77 - March 22, 2023: Seaborn || Project: Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn

Day 78 - March 23, 2023: Plotly, Matplotlib, Seaborn || Project: Analysing the Nobel Prize

Day 79 - March 24, 2023: The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions || Project: Dr Semmelweis Handwashing Discovery

Day 80 - March 25, 2023: Multivariable Regression || Project: Predict House Prices

Day 81 - March 26, 2023: Python Scripting || Project: Text to Morse Code Converter

Day 82 - March 27, 2023: Web Development || Project: Portfolio Website (Code is not public)

Day 83 - March 28, 2023: Python Scripting || Project: Tic Tac Toe (CLI)

Day 84 - March 29, 2023: GUI || Project: Image Watermarking Desktop App

Day 85 - March 30, 2023: GUI || Project: Typing Speed Checker

Day 86 - March 31, 2023: GUI || Project: Breakout Game

Day 87 - April 1, 2023: Web Development || Project: Cafe and WiFi Website

Day 88 - April 2, 2023: Web Development || Project: ToDo List

Day 89 - April 3, 2023: GUI || Project: Disappearing Text Writing App

Day 90 - April 4, 2023: HTTP Requests & APIs || Project: Convert PDF to Audiobook

Day 91 - April 5, 2023: Image Processing & Data Science || Project: Image Colour Palette Generator

Day 92 - April 6, 2023: Web Scraping || Project: Custom Web Scraper

Day 93 - April 7, 2023: GUI Automation || Project: Automate the Google Dinosaur Game

Day 94 - April 8, 2023: Game || Project: Space Invaders

Day 95 - April 9, 2023: HTTP Requests & APIs || Project: Custom API Based Website

Day 96 - April 10, 2023: Web Development || Project: An Online Shop

Day 97 - April 11, 2023: Python Automation || Project: Custom Automation

Day 98 - April 12, 2023: Data Science || Project: Analyse and Visualise the Space Race

Day 99 - April 13, 2023: Data Science || Project: Analyse Deaths involving Police in the United States

Day 100 - April 14, 2023: Data Science || Project: Predict Earnings using Multivariable Regression