
RealOffice, an office assistant

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Running RealOffice

Make sure you have python3

Create a virtualenv in this directory to keep versions same for everyone. Replace <venv> with a name of your choice e.g. myvenv.

python3 -m venv <venv> pip install -U pip

Whenever you want to run, cd to this directory and run

source <venv>/bin/activate

Your shell should have the prefix (<venv>). To leave the virtualenv run deactivate.

For the first time you run RealOffice, install Django and possibly other requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt

You might also have to run python manage.py migrate

TO run the server, python manage.py runserver


(vignesh): I've added shell_plus to make django shell stuff easier. Do python manage.py shell_plus to get a shell better than default python manage.py shell

Users contains the list of already added users. If you add one, make an entry here so others can use it.

Use the admin pages (/admin), esp for exploring the objects present etc.