
A nonnative mobile journaling app that allows you create, edit, and view short notes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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\f0\fs24 \cf0 ReadMe \
Made by Vignesh Palaniappan ({\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://vigneshp.com/"}}{\fldrslt http://vigneshp.com/}}) for Zenefits UI Engineering Intern.\
I decided to to take on Option 1:  \
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Create a mobile web app that allows you create, edit, and view short notes. Notes are just small textual items, like to-do lists.\
- Notes should be stored using browser local storage\
- The app should be usable on a standard mobile browser\
The app that I created is called Refleq. The purpose of the app is to allow users to reflect on their daily lives by journaling their thoughts in categorized sections. I created Refleq, because personally I feel the positive impact of journaling such as being more mindful and grateful daily. Users will be able to add, edit, and delete journal entries which are stored in local storage. I used Ionic framework to develop this app, as a result the web app is compatible with iOS and android platforms. The primary languages I used to develop the app include AngularJs, Html5, and CSS. Given more time I am planning on adding filter to organize and search journal entries, implementing some sort of pin/security system, and lastly ability to add a daily photo to the journal entry.  \
Open Web app \
1. Go into project directory (\'85/todo) through terminal \
2. npm install -g cordova ionic\
3. ionic serve\
Open iOS app \
1. platforms/ios/refleq.xcodeproj\
2. Build app on Xcode \
or \
1. Go into project directory (\'85/todo) through terminal \
2. npm install -g cordova ionic\
3. ionic emulate ios \
I quickly put together an icon and splash screen for iOS platform using Sketch included in iconDesign.sketch. \
Check out both platforms! I hope you enjoy Refleq, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts! }