ADB-climate calculator project_Lao
The data file from OSeMOSYS GUI or ESPEX (the data file creator for the carbon calculator) should be first pre processed using the <> file. Use the following code
python datafile.txt datafile_p.txt osemosys.txt osemosys_p.txt
datafile.txt: The orignal data file
datafile_p.txt: The pre processed data file to be used for the optimisation process
osemosys.txt: original osemosys code
osemosys_p.txt: Preprocessed osemosys code
Run GLSOl to create the *.lp file
glpsol -m osemosys_p.txt -d datafile_p.txt --wlp lpfile.lp
lpfile.lp: the lp file created by glpsol
Run CBC or CPLEX to solve the model
cbc lpfile.lp solve -solu res_cbc.sol
cplex -c "read lpfile.lp" "optimize" "res_cplex.sol"
Use OTOOLE to create result CSVs
Create folder resuls_cbc and results_cplex. We just need to run one optoimization
otoole -vvv results cbc csv res_cbc.sol results_cbc datafile datafile.txt laotra_config.yaml
otoole -vvv results cplex csv res_cplex.sol results_cplex datafile datafile.txt laotra_config.yaml