Topcoder Projects Service

Microservice to manage CRUD operations for all things Projects.

Note : Steps mentioned below are best to our capability as guide for local deployment, however, we expect from contributor, being a developer, to resolve run-time issues (e.g. OS and node version issues etc), if any.

Local Development


  • docker-compose - We use docker-compose for running dependencies locally.
  • Nodejs 8.2.1 - consider using nvm or equivalent to manage your node version
  • Install libpg

Steps to run locally

  1. Install node dependencies
    npm install
  • Run docker with dependant services

    cd local/
    docker-compose up

    This will run several services locally:

    • postgres - two instances: for app and for unit tests
    • elasticsearch
    • rabbitmq
    • mock-services - mocks some Topcoder API

    NOTE: In production these dependencies / services are hosted & managed outside tc-projects-service.

  • Local config

    There are two prepared configs:

    • if you have M2M environment variables provided: AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET, AUTH0_URL, AUTH0_AUDIENCE, AUTH0_PROXY_SERVER_URL then use config/m2m.local.js
    • otherwise use config/mock.local.js.

    To apply any of these config copy it to config/local.js:

    cp config/mock.local.js config/local.js
    # or
    cp config/m2m.local.js config/local.js

    config/local.js has a prepared configuration which would replace values no matter what NODE_ENV value is.

    IMPORTANT These configuration files assume that docker containers are run on domain dockerhost. Depend on your system you have to make sure that domain dockerhost points to the IP address of docker. For example, you can add a the next line to your /etc/hosts file, if docker is run on IP       dockerhost

    Alternatively, you may update config/local.js and replace dockerhost with your docker IP address.
    You may try using command docker-machine ip to get your docker IP, but it works not for all systems.

    Explanation of configs:

    • config/mock.local.js - Use local mock-services from docker to mock Identity and Member services instead of using deployed at Topcoder dev environment.
    • config/m2m.local.js - Use Identity and Member services deployed at Topcoder dev environment. This can be used only if you have M2M environment variables (AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET, AUTH0_URL, AUTH0_AUDIENCE, AUTH0_PROXY_SERVER_URL) provided to access Topcoder DEV environment services.
  • Create tables in DB

    NODE_ENV=development npm run sync:db

    This command will crate tables in postgres db.

    NOTE: this will drop tables if they already exist.

  • Sync ES indices

    NODE_ENV=development npm run sync:es

    Helper script to sync the indices and mappings with the elasticsearch.

    NOTE: This will first clear all the indices and than recreate them. So use with caution.

  • Run

    NOTE If you use config/m2m.local.js config, you should set M2M environment variables before running the next command.

    npm run start:dev

    Runs the Project Service using nodemon, so it would be restarted after any of the files is updated. The project service will be served on http://localhost:8001.

Import sample metadata & projects

CONNECT_USER_TOKEN=<connect user token> npm run demo-data

This command will create sample metadata entries in the DB (duplicate what is currently in development environment).

To retrieve data from DEV env we need to provide a valid user token. You may login to and find the Bearer token in the request headers using browser dev tools.

Run Connect App with Project Service locally

To be able to run Connect App with the local setup of Project Service we have to do two things:

  1. Configurate Connect App to use locally deployed Project service inside connect-app/config/constants/dev.js set

    PROJECTS_API_URL: 'http://localhost:8001'
  2. Bypass token validation in Project Service.

    In tc-project-service/node_modules/tc-core-library-js/lib/auth/verifier.js add this to line 23:

    callback(undefined, decodedToken.payload);

    Connect App when making requests to the Project Service uses token retrieved from the Topcoder service deployed online. Project Service validates the token. For this purpose Project Service have to know the secret which has been used to generate the token. But we don't know the secret which is used by Topcoder for both DEV and PROD environment. So to bypass token validation we change these lines in the auth library.

    NOTE: this change only let us bypass validation during local development process.

  3. Restart both Connect App and Project Service if they were running.


npm run test

Tests are being executed with the NODE_ENV environment variable has a value test and config/test.js configuration is loaded.

Each of the individual modules/services are unit tested.

JWT Authentication

Authentication is handled via Authorization (Bearer) token header field. Token is a JWT token. Here is a sample token that is valid for a very long time for a user with administrator role.


It's been signed with the secret 'secret'. This secret should match your entry in config/local.js. You can generate your own token using

Local Deployment

NOTE: This part of README may contain inconsistencies and requires update. Don't follow it unless you know how to properly make configuration for these steps. It's not needed for regular development process.

Build image: docker build -t tc_projects_services . Run image: docker run -p 3000:3000 -i -t -e DB_HOST= tc_projects_services You may replace with your docker0 IP.

You can paste swagger.yaml to swagger editor or import postman.json and postman_environment.json to verify endpoints.

Deploying without docker

If you don't want to use docker to deploy to localhost. You can simply run npm run start:dev from root of project. This should start the server on default port 8001.