
good js and react links for reference

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Good to read

Cloud, AWS Tutorials

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Enlear Academy Enlear Academy
NamrataH Shah NamrataH Shah
Ganapathy Tech Tips AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Crash Course (English) -(Theory Podcast)

Backend, System Design

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Hussein Nasser
https://www.softwareontheroad.com/ideal-nodejs-project-structure/ Node Js Project Setup

Cloud, AWS Tutorials in Tamil

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Free Tech Tamil Cloud, AWS
AWS Solution Architect Associate AWS Solution Architect Associate
Ganapathy Tech Tips AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner in தமிழ் - (Theory Podcast)
Ganapathy Tech Tips AWS Certification - (Theory Podcast)

Cloud, AWS Sample Test

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https://skillcertpro.com/ Skillcertpro
https://github.com/Ernyoke/certified-aws-solutions-architect-associate Ernyoke
https://github.com/Ernyoke/certified-aws-solutions-architect-professional Ernyoke
https://github.com/ptcodes/awesome-aws-certifications ptcodes


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https://publicapis.dev/ Free Public API
https://dribbble.com/ Design samples


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Function declarations vs Function expressions Function declarations vs Function expressions
Mute and Unmute array in javascript mute and unmute array in javascript
javascript.info every js concept in detail

Javascript interview questions

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javascript-interview-questions javascript-interview-questions
javascript questions javascript questions
123-Essential-JavaScript-Interview-Questions 123-Essential-JavaScript-Interview-Questions
javascript questions javascript questions
javascript questions javascript questions
javascript questions javascript questions
javascript questions javascript questions
javascript questions javascript questions
javascript questions javascript questions
javascript questions javascript questions
javascript questions javascript questions
js-coding-samples js-coding-samples
javascript questions javascript questions
javascript questions javascript questions
technical-interview-questions-in-javascript technical-interview-questions-in-javascript

Javascript Concepts

JavaScript ES5 Object Methods

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https://www.javatpoint.com/javascript-object-defineproperty-method Object defineproperty
https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_object_es5.asp Object Methods

JavaScript Theory

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https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27309412/what-is-the-difference-between-node-js-and-io-js What is the difference between node.js and io.js? why node version jumped from 0.12.x directly to 4.0.0
https://css-tricks.com/what-is-super-in-javascript/ Javascript Super

JavaScript Class

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https://youtu.be/2ZphE5HcQPQ JavaScript Classes Tutorial by freeCodeCamp.org

JavaScript Design Pattern

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ-c3BA-Ypo&ab_channel=WebDevSimplified Singleton Pattern
https://youtu.be/23AOrSN-wmI Constructor Function Pattern
https://youtu.be/jpegXpQpb3o Factory Function Pattern
https://youtu.be/9cjK1bcLTO8 Factory Function Pattern in 1 Minute
https://youtu.be/ImwrezYhw4w Factory Function Pattern


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React Array modification React array proper way to modification
React Hooks good examples React Hooks good examples
React Hooks useeffect-vs-uselayouteffect React Hooks useeffect vs uselayouteffect
Can component for authentication
React Can component for authentication
React Can component example
React CloneElement
Redux toolkit basic example

React Interview Questions

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https://github.com/sudheerj/reactjs-interview-questions sudheerj

React video tutorials

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Why React Hooks are introduced Youtube video
Learning React egghead video (Clone element)
React Security Fundamentals

React Advanced topics

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https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/isomorphic-react isomorphic React
https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/04/react-to-the-future-with-isomorphic-apps/ isomorphic React
https://medium.com/capital-one-tech/why-everyone-is-talking-about-isomorphic-universal-javascript-and-why-it-matters-38c07c87905 isomorphic
https://reactjs.org/docs/react-dom-server.html isomorphic React

Good React packages

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react-use react-use

React Cheatsheet

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React cheatsheet Github React cheatsheet Github with Redux
React cheatsheet React cheatsheet
React Airbnb style guide React Airbnb style guide
React freecodecamp cheatsheet freecodecamp cheatsheet

Design UX Links

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General Js concepts

  • var x; is a declaration, var x = 5; is a definition. Declaration allocates memory and the definition assigns a value to this allocated memory.
  • The typeof operator in JavaScript returns "function" for functions. e.g. function sample() {} typeof sample will be 'function'
  • Comparing two JavaScript objects will always return false.
  • number ways of creating objects in JS : Object Literals, Object.create(), Factory function, Constructor function, Class. Why ? Because in certain situation one tool is better than the other !

prototype vs proto

  • In reality, the only true difference between prototype and proto is that the former is a property of a class constructor, while the latter is a property of a class instance.
  • newPhone.proto is a reference to iPhone.prototype, and thus holds the exact same contents as well. typeof sample will be 'function'
  • Instances have proto, classes have prototype.
  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/51900454/3882241
  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/33000791/3882241
function Person(name){
    this.name = name

var eve = new Person("Eve");

eve.__proto__ == Person.prototype //true

eve.prototype  //undefined
function Person (name, city) {
  this.name = name;

Person.prototype.age = 25;

const willem = new Person('Willem');

console.log(willem.__proto__ === Person.prototype); // the __proto__ property on the instance refers to the prototype of the constructor

console.log(willem.age); // 25 doesn't find it at willem object but is present at prototype
console.log(willem.__proto__.age); // now we are directly accessing the prototype of the Person function 


  • Array length is not the count of values in the array, but the greatest numeric index plus one.