
Python FMT is a python linter/formatter/checker for TextMate.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Version Plaftorm Python 3.7+ macOS macOS macOS macOS macOS macOS macOS Code style: black Imports: isort linting: pylint style: flake8 Powered by Rake

Python FMT bundle for TextMate

Demo 1

This bundle runs various linters and checkers when you save a Python file, both formatting the code and highlighting any errors. The supported linters and checkers are as follows:

  • isort: Sorts import statements.
  • black: Formats source code.
  • pylint: Analyses source code.
  • flake8: Checks source code for style guide enforcement.


python must be installed, whether through brew, pyenv, or any other method. Please check your python installation:

command -v python

Bundle checks the TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYTHON_PATH environment variable. This variable can be set in .tm_properties or via the TextMate > Preferences > Variables menu. If it is not set anywhere, the bundle attempts to locate the python path using the command -v python command and TM_PYTHON_FMT_VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable internally. If the bundle reports that it cannot find the TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYTHON_PATH, you need to set it manually to the desired python path.

If you are in a virtual environment, all you need is to set TM_PYTHON_FMT_VIRTUAL_ENV variable. Bundle will handle all the installed linters/checkers from the virtual environment.

If you are not in a virtual environment, you need to set all the required variables:


if you want to use all of it. You can disable partially by setting TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE_<NAME> environment variable(s).

You can set the values globally from command-line:

$ defaults write com.macromates.TextMate environmentVariables \
    -array-add "{enabled = 1; value = \"$(command -v python)\"; name = \"TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYTHON_PATH\"; }"

You need to restart TextMate to take effect. Now clone the bundle:

cd "${HOME}/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/"
git clone https://github.com/vigo/textmate2-python-fmt.git Python-FMT.tmbundle

IMPORTANT: Bundle ships with TextMate grammar: Python FMT. You must set your language scope to Python FMT for the bundle to function/work properly. Scope automatically loads source.python and source.python.django grammars. Due to TextMate’s callback flow, I was forced to create a separate scope. Otherwise, it would conflict with all bundles that use source.python. Due to this situation, previous version was working too slow.

If you are within a project folder, the bundle automatically uses any existing linter configuration files you have, such as .isort, .flake8 and all the other configuration files.

The bundle includes a requirements.txt file, which allows for easy installation either into your virtual environment or system-wide:

cd Python-FMT.tmbundle/
# if you need to create new environment uncomment below
# mkvirtualenv myenv
pip install -r requirements.txt

requirements.txt contains:


Bundle contains easy config creation command; hit + T (option + T) for helper commands.

Demo 2

Enable / Disable Bundle or Features

To completely disable the bundle, simply assign a value to TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE. This allows you to proceed as if the bundle does not exist. Additionally, if the first line of your Python file contains comment TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE:


the bundle will also be disabled for that file. You can partially disable features by setting related environment variable:

  • Set TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE_BLACK=1 to bypass black formatter
  • Set TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE_ISORT=1 to bypass isort
  • Set TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE_PYLINT=1 to disable pylint (well a bit useless :)
  • Set TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE_FLAKE8=1 to disable flake8

There is a helper snippet for disabling features easily, write envi<TAB> in .tm_properties file and select which feature to disable.

TextMate Variables

Variable Default Value Description
ENABLE_LOGGING Set for development purposes
TOOLTIP_LINE_LENGTH 100 Width of pop-up window
TOOLTIP_LEFT_PADDING 2 Alignment value
TM_PYTHON_FMT_VIRTUAL_ENV Set this variable if you are in a virtual environment
TM_PYTHON_FMT_BLACK * Binary path of black
TM_PYTHON_FMT_ISORT * Binary path of isort
TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYLINT * Binary path of pylint
TM_PYTHON_FMT_FLAKE8 * Binary path of flake8
TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE_BLACK Disable black formatter
TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE_PYLINT Disable pylint checker
TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE_FLAKE8 Disable flake8 style guide
TM_PYTHON_FMT_BLACK_DEFAULTS Override current black config with extra parameters if provided
TM_PYTHON_FMT_ISORT_DEFAULTS Override current isort config with extra parameters if parameters
TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYLINT_EXTRA_OPTIONS Override current pylint config with extra parameters if parameters
TM_PYTHON_FMT_FLAKE8_DEFAULTS Override current flake8 config with extra parameters if parameters

*: Bundle tries to find binary path, fall-back is empty/nil value, if you get error, you need to set exact binary path.

For black, bundle checks config files in order below, last found overrides all!

  1. ${HOME}/.black
  2. ${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY}/pyproject.toml

also filenames end with .pyi

For isort, bundle checks config file order;

  1. ${HOME}/.isort.cfg
  2. ${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY}/.isort.cfg

For pylint, bundle checks config files below;

  1. ${HOME}/.pylintrc
  2. ${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY}/.pylintrc

For flake8, bundle checks config files below;

  1. ${HOME}/.flake8
  2. ${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY}/.flake8
  3. ${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY}/tox.ini
  4. ${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY}/setup.cfg

pylint now shows every available error. You can set extra options to display compile-time errors only by setting TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYLINT_EXTRA_OPTIONS variable. Space delimited arguments are required:

# .tm_properties or from TextMate > Preferences > Variables

flake8 and pylint using same error output format:


Example .tm_properties:

TM_PYTHON_FMT_VIRTUAL_ENV="/Users/YOU/.virtualenvs/YOUR_VENV"   # or

# It’s ok to use shell variables and TextMate variables but never use like this:
# ~/.virtualenvs/ENV

# overriders
TM_PYTHON_FMT_ISORT_DEFAULTS="--line-length=40 --multi-line=GRID"
TM_PYTHON_FMT_FLAKE8_DEFAULTS="--extend-ignore F401"

Also, you can set project based configurations for all of the tools. Check their official documentations:

Hot Keys and Snippets

Hot Keys and TAB Completions Description
+ D Bypass black formating (toggle) for selection.
+ T Create .tm_properties or linter config files
+ G Go to error line! New feature!
noq + Choose desired bypass method
envi + Inserts helpful environment variables if you are editing on .tm_properties file. Try :)
disable + Inserts # TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE, put this in to first line if you want to disable this bundle

Bug Report

Please set/enable the logger via setting ENABLE_LOGGING=1. Logs are written to the /tmp/textmate-python-fmt.log file. You can tail while running via; tail -f /tmp/textmate-python-fmt.log in another Terminal tab. You can see live what’s going on. Please provide the log information for bug reporting.

callback.document.will-save errors are written to /tmp/textmate-python-fmt-DOCUMENT-ID.error.

Bundle log looks like this:

[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][INFO][python_fmt.rb->run_document_will_save]: will run isort
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][DEBUG][linters.rb->isort]: cmd: "/Users/vigo/.virtualenvs/thesarraf.com/bin/isort" | version: 5.13.2 | args: ["--profile", "black", "--honor-noqa", "--virtual-env", "/Users/vigo/.virtualenvs/thesarraf.com", "-"]
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][DEBUG][linters.rb->isort]: out:
"FOO = 1\n"

err: ""
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][INFO][python_fmt.rb->find_binary]: python -> path: "/Users/vigo/.virtualenvs/thesarraf.com/bin/python"
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][INFO][python_fmt.rb->find_binary]: black -> path: "/Users/vigo/.virtualenvs/thesarraf.com/bin/black"
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][INFO][python_fmt.rb->find_binary]: isort -> path: "/Users/vigo/.virtualenvs/thesarraf.com/bin/isort"
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][INFO][python_fmt.rb->find_binary]: pylint -> path: "/Users/vigo/.virtualenvs/thesarraf.com/bin/pylint"
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][INFO][python_fmt.rb->find_binary]: flake8 -> path: "/Users/vigo/.virtualenvs/thesarraf.com/bin/flake8"
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][INFO][python_fmt.rb->can_run_run_document_did_save?]: any? true
[2024-05-13 01:39:48][Python-FMT][ERROR][python_fmt.rb->can_run_run_document_did_save?]: warning_messages: []
[2024-05-13 01:39:49][Python-FMT][ERROR][python_fmt.rb->run_document_did_save]: errors_flake8: nil
[2024-05-13 01:39:49][Python-FMT][ERROR][python_fmt.rb->run_document_did_save]: all_errors: {}
[2024-05-13 01:39:49][Python-FMT][INFO][storage.rb->destroy]: storage.destroy for 1D082B22-3346-4DCE-BF76-FAE8BF4AE776 - (/tmp/textmate-python-fmt-1D082B22-3346-4DCE-BF76-FAE8BF4AE776.goto)
[2024-05-13 01:39:49][Python-FMT][INFO][storage.rb->add]: storage.add for 1D082B22-3346-4DCE-BF76-FAE8BF4AE776 (/tmp/textmate-python-fmt-1D082B22-3346-4DCE-BF76-FAE8BF4AE776.goto)

After you fix the source code (next run) bundle removes those files if there is no error. According to you bug report, you can tail or copy/paste the contents of error file to issue.

Also, while running bundle script (which is TextMate’s default ruby 1.8.7), if error occurs, TextMate pops up an alert window. Please add that screen shot or try to copy error text from modal dialog.

Change Log


  • Small improvements in project structure


Another refactoring

  • Add go to line with option+G
  • Implement zero-config run, if you have linter, runs w/o config file, uses defaults
  • Improve error handling
  • Improve code structure
  • Add all the noqa codes for pylint and flake8 for autocompletion.

You can read the whole story here.



All PR’s are welcome!

  1. fork (https://github.com/vigo/textmate2-python-fmt/fork)
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b my-features)
  3. commit yours (git commit -am 'add awesome features')
  4. push your branch (git push origin my-features)
  5. Than create a new Pull Request!

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


This project is licensed under MIT