Analysis of the questions of the Brazilian National High School Exam (ENEM)

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Analysis of the Brazilian National High School Exam (ENEM)

Codes for analysis of the questions of the Brazilian National High School Exam (ENEM).

Codes in Python and R.

Getting Started


We use the microdata provided by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), which are available per year here.

To run the scripts, please download and save the microdata in Data/Original/microdados_enem_(year).

The processed data will be saved in Data/Processed/ENEM(year)


To process the data from an specific year, run this inside the Scripts/ folder:

python ProcessEnem(year).py

Description of files

Python/R Scripts:

filename description
ProcessEnem(year).py Clean and process the microdata from the specific year.
EstimateScoresENEM(year).py Fit a 3 parameters logistic model (ML3P) from Item Response theory (IRT) to estimate the participants scores for the specific year.

Python Notebooks:

filename description
Compare Regions ENEM (year).ipynb Analysis and comparison of the proportion of correct answers per question given the participants' score for each region of Brazil.
Compare Races ENEM (year).ipynb Analysis and comparison of the proportion of correct answers per question given the participants' score for the main self-declared races.
Compare Sex ENEM (year).ipynb Analysis and comparison of the proportion of correct answers per question given the participants' score per self-declared sex.
Compare Economic Class ENEM (year).ipynb Analysis and comparison of the proportion of correct answers per question given the participants' score per economic class.