
Updated implementation of Globally Assessing Local Explanations (GALE) using the GUDHI library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Globally Assessing Local Explanations (GALE) with Gudhi

This version of GALE's Python library uses the GUDHI library to create the mapper and compute the persistence diagram and bottleneck distances. The original version of GALE uses GUDHI for computing the persistence diagram and the bottleneck distance, but the mapper is from kmapper.

The main advantage of using GUDHI's mapper is the automatic estimation of the distance threshold parameter for the clustering, significantly reducing the execution time for selecting the mapper parameters.

This version also introduces two functions for plotting images relevant to analyzing GALE's results: the mapper (plot_mapper) and the persistence diagram (plot_ext_persistance_diagram).


You can easily install this version of GALE by cloning this repository and running the following command while inside the repository main folder:

pip install .