The collection of scripts download Historical ERA5 data, ECMWF 10-day forecasts to create a continuous dataset for 2 years into the past
- Data sources:
- ERA5 historical data -!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview
- ECMWF 10-day forecasts -
The era5 data is accessed via the Copernicus Data Server (CDS) using a python script, please follow the instructions here to setup access
The forecast data is accessed via the ECMWF API, please follow the instructions here to create an account and get access to the ECMWF API. Also check how to setup the ECMWF API key under your home directory.
The scripts are run on the Pearcey HPC
To run, use the command
sbatch --array=0-5
- 2m temperature - daily_maximum
- 2m temperature - daily_minimum
- Precipitation - daily_total
- Daily potential evaporation
- Soil temperature: 0 --7cm - daily_minimum
- Soil temperature: 0--7cm - daily_maximum
The output continuous dataset will combine the historical and forecast data in the following way
- ERA5 historical reanalysis data: 2 years in the past to 3 month before current month
- Summary of era5 data downloaded from and
Variable | dimensions | Name of variable: Long name | Raw data unit | Unit to be converted to |
tasmax | time=xx lat=1801 lon=3601 | Tas (time,lat,lon) | K | C = -273.15 |
tasmin | time=xx lat=1801 lon=3601 | Tas (time,lat,lon) | K | C = -273.15 |
Mean_precip | time=xx lat=1801 lon=3601 | Tprate (time,lat,lon) Total precipitation rate | m s-1 | mm d-1 = (1000)x(606024) |
Mean_pev | time=xx lat=1801 lon=3601 | pev (time,lat,lon) thickness of the liquid water equivalent potential evaporation amount | m | mm = 1000 |
soil_tmax | time=xx lat=1801 lon=3601 | stl1 (time,lat,lon) top soil layer temperature | K | C = -273.15 |
soil_tmin | time=xx lat=1801 lon=3601 | stl1 (time,lat,lon) top soil layer temperature | K | C = -273.15 |
- ECMWF 10-day forecasts: 3 months in the past until most recent predictions (pseudo-observations)
- ECMWF 10-day forecasts: 10-days into the future
- Data are available at 6-hour intervals
- Add up 4 x 6-hour data for each day, converting 10-day forecast into daily summaries