
A chat room where users can create profiles and communicate with each other in real time.

Primary LanguageHTML

Module 6 ReadME.md File

Lab Partners: Andrew Mcneel Student ID: 442015 Student Username: amcneel

Lab Partners: Vihar Desu Student ID: 443845 Student Username: vihar.desu

Code is located in Andrew Mcneel's Shared Repository

Site URL: http://ec2-52-90-5-111.compute-1.amazonaws.com:3456/client.html

Creative Portion: For our creative portion, we did 3 things:

  1. When and if a user is typing and is in the middle of sending text to a chat room, other users (in the same room) will be able to see that the user is currently typing. Added slight delay so that it isn't instantaneous.
  2. Ownership of a room can be transferred to another user for functions such as kicking and baanning
  3. When certain select strings are typed into the chat box, they are automatically converted into other strings. For example, if ‘god’ was typed, the chat system would replace it with "harambe". Words don't have to be standalone, works at any point in the code

Important Notes: