Module main

This module does following things:

  • Extract projects from zipfile in directory specified in configuration.
  • Execute catkin_make in catkin_ws
  • Execute rospack command in catkin_ws


catkin_make() : Execute catkin_make command in catkin_ws. :return: success

extract_projects(zipfilename) : Extract zipped projects from zipfile to catkin_ws. If the directory has files already then skip. :param zipfilename: :return:

main() :

rename_files_to_latin(files_path) :

rospack() : Execute rospack profile command in caktin_ws, :return: success

Module exec

This module does traverse projects in catkin_ws and executes command from configuration in them. Project execution can be terminated using ctr-c hotkey.

..versionchanged::30.09.21 * Showing package count and current progress. * Fixed CMakelist.txt trying to be launched. * Print a report in the end.


main() : Traverse the "catkin_src" directory from config file for projects and execute 'launch_command' in them. While process is running it is safe to terminate it with CTR-C hotkey. The script intercepts it and terminates project. :return:

report(results) :

Module config

Configuration variables. Make changes to

..versionchanged::30.09.21 * Added to avoid git conflicts.