
Source code of paper, Detecting Vanishing Points using Global Image Context in a Non-Manhattan World.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains the source code of paper, Detecting Vanishing Points using Global Image Context in a Non-Manhattan World.

And you can find more details in our Project Page.


  1. Install Caffe and compile Matcaffe (see toturial at Caffe Installation).
  2. Download the Caffe model, and uncompress the tarball to "assets".
  3. Compile LSD (Line Segment Detector):
$ cd assets/lsd; make


We recently updated our CNN model to a state-of-the-art network, which is trained with the approach introduced by another excellent work: Horizon Lines in the Wild.

If you require the original implementation of our work, you can still check the old version:

$ git checkout v1.0