
create a react component of a progress bar

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Progress Step Bar Component

This is a React component that takes a currentStep and allSteps. It is styled to show the current step.

<StepBar currentStep={this.state.currentStep} allSteps={this.state.allSteps} />

this.state = {
      currentStep: null,
      allSteps: [
        { label: "account", isCompleted: true },
        { label: "security", isCompleted: true },
        { label: "review", isCompleted: true }


Created on Sept 2019.


StepBar SubComponent

  • includes a "label", "prebar", "statusCircle", "postbar"
  • first bar of the first step is hidden, as well as the last bar of the last step

CSS styles for stepBar SubComponent: before current, is current, and after current styles

all stepbars are set as blue by default

.stepBar-statusIndicator-status {
    border-radius: 50%;
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;
    border: 3px solid @blue;
    background-color: @blue;

the current one is light blue

.stepBar-statusIndicator.stepBar-statusIndicator--current .stepBar-statusIndicator-bar--post,
.stepBar-statusIndicator.stepBar-statusIndicator--current + .stepBar-statusIndicator .stepBar-statusIndicator-bar {
    background-color: @light-blue;

stepbars after the current are light blue, and has a light blue border

.stepBar-statusIndicator.stepBar-statusIndicator--current + .stepBar-statusIndicator .stepBar-statusIndicator-status {
    background-color: @light-blue;
    border-color: @light-blue;

Tech Stack

Frontend: React

Backend: CRA

APIs: n/a

To Run:

yarn install yarn start


index.js The entry point for component. Renders App component.

app.js renders StepBar component. holds the main states currentStep and allSteps.

StepBar.js renders the mapped step bars.


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