
This Bootstrap-enhanced MERN dashboard is the control center for multistate co-operative societies. It offers interactive visualizations (bar, line, pie charts) displaying society data. Admin tools enable real-time monitoring, while also featuring a feedback section and recent news display for comprehensive management.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Multistate Co-operative Societies Management Dashboard

This project is a comprehensive dashboard designed using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack with Bootstrap, aimed at facilitating the management of multistate co-operative societies.


  • Interactive Visualizations: Utilizes various graphical representations (bar, line, pie charts) to showcase society data in an intuitive manner.
  • Admin Dashboard: Provides administrative tools for real-time monitoring, allowing oversight of society metrics and operations.
  • Feedback and News Display: Includes sections for feedback collection and displaying recent news, enhancing communication and updates.
  • Real-time Society Monitoring: Offers live monitoring features for quick insights into society activities and performance.

Technologies Used

  • MongoDB: Database management system for storing society data.
  • Express.js: Backend web application framework used to build the server-side of the application.
  • React.js: Frontend JavaScript library for creating the user interface components.
  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for executing server-side code.
  • Bootstrap: Frontend framework for responsive and sleek design implementation.

Project Installation Guide

Frontend (Client) Installation

Step 1: Navigate to Client Folder

cd client

Step 2: Install Dependencies

npm install

Step 3: Create Environment File

Create a file named .env in the client directory and add the following key:


Backend URL: http://localhost:5000 (Update this URL with your actual backend URL)

Replace YOUR_BACKEND_URL with the base URL where the backend server will be hosted.

Step 4: Start the Application

npm start

Frontend URL: http://localhost:3000

Backend (Server) Installation

Step 1: Navigate to Server Folder

cd server

Step 2: Install Dependencies

npm install

Step 3: Create Environment File

Create a file named .env in the server directory with the following keys:


Replace YOUR_DB_USERNAME, YOUR_DB_PASSWORD, and YOUR_DB_CLUSTERNAME with your MongoDB database credentials.

Step 4: Create Database

Ensure you have MongoDB installed and create a database named mscs.

Step 5: Start the Server

For production:

npm start

For development mode:

npm run dev

Backend URL: http://localhost:5000


  • Access the frontend deployed at Vercel.
  • Access the backend deployed at Render.
  • Explore interactive visualizations for society data.
  • Use the admin dashboard for real-time monitoring and management.
  • Engage with the feedback section and stay updated with recent news.


This project is licensed under the [MIT License] License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
