
On a Linux-based dual screen/monitor/display setup, swap your mouse pointer from one screen to the other instantly.

Primary LanguageShell

Swap Screen

On a Linux-based dual screen/monitor/display setup, swap your mouse pointer from one screen to the other instantly.


  • Dual screens/monitors/displays
  • xdotool installed
  • Tested working on Ubuntu 20.04 (Gnome Desktop), but probably works on many others.


  1. Install xdotool if you dont have it

    sudo apt install xdotool
  2. Download and open screen-swap.sh in a text editor and change the settings to match your screen setup.

    To find your screen values:

    xrandr | grep " connected"

    Take note of the widthxheight+X+Y values (e.g. 3840x2160+0+0) for both connected screens Then edit the script with these values

    nano screen-swap.sh
  3. Make the script executable if required

    chmod +x swap-screen.sh
  4. Copy the script to somewhere on your path

    cp swap-screen.sh ~/.local/bin/
  5. Test by running swap-screen.sh, then bind this command to a hot-key or mouse button. For example I bind it to an extra side-button on my mouse using Keyboard Shortcuts settings in Ubuntu Gnome Desktop.


Suggestions/PRs welcome.

  • Make the script auto-detect monitor dimensions