
Auth0 secured Rails App with Docker Deployed to Heroku

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails App on Docker secured with Auth0

Staging Build Status: Build Status Master Build Status: Build Status This app is a prototype built on Ruby on Rails. It uses docker for development workflow. Automatically deploys to Heroku pipeline when there is a new commit to repository, when travis CI test passes.

Heroku provides a staging region and a production region as part of the pipeline. Postgres is available as an add-on.

Heroku staging environment: [https://bookshelfstage.herokuapp.com/] Heroku production environment: [https://bookstall.herokuapp.com/]

Getting Started Locally

Follow these steps to run project locally:

  1. Ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed. docker -v and docker-compose -v should return meaningful results showing versions.
  2. Clone the repository using git clone git@github.com:vijayabharathib/auth0_rails_docker.git or you can fork and use your own repository.
  3. The first time, run this command on a terminal : docker-compose up --build while you are inside the project folder. This may take a while depending on the connection as it will pull the necessary docker image, initiate the container and install gems required.
  4. To ensure you have a local database to work with, you need to create and migrate DB with the help of rails. Run these commands from another terminal while you are inside the project folder
    • Create db tables with docker-compose run auth0 rails db:create
    • Apply schema through migrations docker-compose run auth0 rails db:migrate
    • Get test environment ready docker-compose run auth0 rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
    • Seed the database with rails db:seed
  5. At this point, it is better to stop docker container and start again. docker-compose down should bring the services down and docker-compose up should bring them up again. If you see the log showing Listening on tcp:// or something similar, you are good to go.
  6. On your browser, point to [http://localhost:3000] to open the app.
  7. Create a login with Auth0 and start creating books and move them between shelves.

Next steps to be part of post outline

  1. create travis-CI hook to test the repository on commit
  2. create heroku pipeline (staging and production) to promote code on successful travis test (CI/CD)