
This is a sample standalone nestjs app that can be deployed to AWS FaaS using serverless

Primary LanguageTypeScript

  • DONE:

Created a simple serverless deployment with nestjs+standalone using serverless framework NOTE: This is a sample implementation to test if a HTTP server can be spun inside the serverless. It is not a real worl implementation. Again this might be useful for containerizing serverless

    • Find out how AWS Secrets engine can be used with serverless framework
    • Find better ways to pass in .env files
    • deploy a docerized version
    • Introduce Cloud Run for GCP deployment with Dockerized containers
    • Write tekton pipelines/circleci CI/CD pipelines to automate the deployment

Steps to run:

  • Run npm install

  • Run npm run start:nodemon:dev to start the service in local. Make sure to uncomment the section in main.ts for local run

  • The better option is to transpile the code to js by building it - npm run build

  • Now to have a serverless deployment 1. Install serverless module globally - npm i -g serverless 2. Run (alias for servless cli command)sls offline --stage dev // this makes use of the staging environment

  • Test with the HTTp PROXY API that will be shown as output

  • IMP - Fasitfy doesnt work with serverless-optimze . There is an alternative serverless-layers plugin

  • To make sure that we deploy with dev environment use command NODE_ENV=dev sls deploy --stage dev

  • IMP - -v can be added for a verbiage output. SLS_DEBUG=* can be added to debug

    Future Capabilities

    1. Will have ability to be triggered by an SQS event/Kinesis
    2. Will have the ability to write to Kinesis/DynamoDb


NOTE: Please note that the important thing that is necessary for all typescript generated modules is to make use of .d.ts and js.mapping files that is generated as part of output. THis is required for the serverless to run. Else it will keep throwing that the handler module is not found