
Drupal module allows to configure the links in operation drop down to open in modal.

Drupal 8 core provides a way to open any link to open in a modal across the site. However its used in very few places in core. Some of the core components like views have their own modal setup.


Download and install using drush/composer/ as usual.


  1. Go to admin > Configuration > User interface > Modal configuration

  2. Use 'Add new configuration' button to create a new one.

  3. In add screen provide: 3.1. Configuration name - Human readable label 3.2. Type - Currently supports only route name (for now) 3.3. Value - Full/partial route name (Just does strpos() for now)

  4. Save

Note: The module comes with default modal configuration that allows to open all route names with .delete to open in modal.


  1. Add more types
  2. Better way to set value instead open text field.
  3. Better way to handle value instead of strpos()


Feel free to open an issue or pull request to improve, add new features and bug fixes.


This project is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2