
Dairy Record Management System (Student Project)

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple Dairy Record Management System built with vanilla php as a Pro-Bono Project for a college student


  • Manage farmers
  • Manage employees and their roles
  • Record delivery
  • Set payment rates
  • Pay farmers
  • View reports


1. Manager

Has access to all the features

2. Supervisor

Can perform all MAnager tasks except

  • Set payment rates
  • Manage employees

3. Clerk

The employee who is receiving the deliveries

  • Record deliveries
  • Add Farmers
  • View reports

Quick Guide

  1. Clone this repo to your documents root e.g under c:\xampp\htdocs\Dairy on windows
  2. Import the dairy.sql file to your database. (You can create a database called dairy using phpmyadmin and import this file into it)
  3. open inc\conn.incl.php file and enter your database settings
define('db_host', 'localhost');
define('db_user', 'root');
define('db_password', '');
define('db_database', 'dairy');
  1. Open the url to your project e.g http://localhost/Dairy and login with an already created account

Demo Accounts

1. Manager

email: manager@example.com

password: manager123

2. Supervisor

email: supervisor@example.com

password: supervisor123

3. Clerk

email: clerk@example.com

password: clerk123