
Finds licenses of your Clojure(Script) dependencies

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status cljdoc Clojars


license-finder is a Clojure library that finds the licenses of the dependencies used in your Clojure(Script) projects. The library supports deps.edn, shadow-cljs.edn, package.json (with npm's package-lock.json) and project.clj (Using Borkdude's lein2deps to convert the project and extract licenses). With it, you can easily generate a report of the licenses used by your project's dependencies, making it easier to comply with open source licenses and legal requirements.

Use Cases

license-finder can be useful in a variety of situations. For example:

  • If you are building a project for a client or an employer, you may need to provide a report of the licenses used by the project's dependencies to ensure compliance with open source licenses and legal requirements.
  • If you are working on an open source project, you may want to provide a report of the licenses used by the project's dependencies to help potential contributors understand the project's licensing requirements.
  • If you are a developer who is concerned about the licenses of the dependencies used by your projects, license-finder can help you quickly and easily generate a report of the licenses used by those dependencies.


To use license-finder, require the find-licenses function from the scarlet.license-finder.core namespace:

(require '[scarlet.license-finder.core :refer [find-licenses]])

You can then use find-licenses to get license information of dependencies in a project file:

(find-licenses "deps.edn")
;; => ({:name "babashka/fs"
;;      :type :mvn
;;      :version "0.3.17"
;;      :license {:id "EPL-1.0"
;;                :name "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
;;                :url "http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php"}
;;      :path "/home/user/.m2/repository/babashka/fs/0.3.17/fs-0.3.17.jar"}
;;     {:name "io.github.clojure/tools.build"
;;      :type :mvn
;;      :version "0.9.4"
;;      :license {:id "EPL-1.0"
;;                :name "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
;;                :url "https://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php"}
;;      :path "/home/user/.m2/repository/io/github/clojure/tools.build/0.9.4/tools.build-0.9.4.jar"}
;;     ,,,)

By default, find-licenses only considers the direct dependencies of the project. If you want to include transitive dependencies, pass :transitive? true as an option:

(find-licenses "deps.edn" :transitive? true)

Generating a License Report

You can create a CSV report of your licenses, e.g. in Continuous Integration, with scarlet.license-finder.report/write-csv.

Here is an example on how to integrate license-finder in tools.build:

(ns build
  (:require [scarlet.license-finder.core :as license-finder]
            [scarlet.license-finder.report :as report]))

(defn licenses [{:keys [project]
                 :or   {project "./deps.edn"}}]
  (->> (license-finder/find-licenses project :transitive? true)
       (report/write-report {:project project})))

You can then generate a license report via the command line:

> clojure -T:build licenses
Licenses written to target/licenses/deps.edn.csv


Releases are available from Clojars.


com.scarletcomply/license-finder {:mvn/version "0.2.1"}


[com.scarletcomply/license-finder "0.2.1"]


Distributed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Scarlet Global Holdings Ltd