
Steps To Execute the Assignment

Download all the above module or clone the repo

Step 1

   First Run the API gateWay using netflix-eureka-naming-server module

Run the NetflixEurekaNamingServerApplication.class java main class you can check the Api gateWay At this Link http://localhost:8761/

Step 2

Run the API Zuul proxy server using netflix-zuul-api-gateway-server module
Run the Zuul proxy server using main class

Step 3

Run the user-core Service module using main class

You can call the services using swagger url you can check in swagger


Sample request response from composite service is

url -> localhost:8085/user-core-service/createUser

          request payload :
    "id": "119",
    "firstName": "Ankur",
    "surName": "Khanna",
    "dob": "1991/05/19",
    "title": "software Engineer"

"id": "119",
"firstName": "Ankur",
"surName": "Khanna",
"dob": "1991/05/19",
"title": "software Engineer"


get Api call

localhost:8085/user-core-service/getAllInfo Response -->> [ { "id": "11", "firstName": "vijay", "surName": "koshis", "dob": "1991/05/19", "title": "software Engineer" }, { "id": "12", "firstName": "vijay", "surName": "koshis", "dob": "1991/05/19", "title": "software Engineer" } ]