upload your image and submit it. then it will detect your face in that image
Application URL : http://vijayfacedetection.pythonanywhere.com/
Dependencies : cv2, numpy, urllib3, Flask (python web framework)
short overview :
with the help of haarcascade classifier I have detected face in given image
then I have drawn rectangle around detected faces in image
and finally deploy my model to cloud (pythonanywhere.com)
Dependencies : cv2 (OpenCV)
short overview : I have used haarcascade classifier for face detection, nose detection and eyespair detection which detects faces, nose and eyes respectively in given image and return its vertices then
I drawn rectangle around those faces with the help of return vertices By doing some mathematical calculation on pixel region(x-axis, y-axis)
I found ROI (region of interest) for placing moustache and glasses
Dependencies : cv2, pytesseract
short overview : with the help of pytesseract library I have recognised character in given image
steps :
read image
preprocessing image (convert to gray scale)
perform threshold technique on gray image
applying dilation of the threshold
Specify structure shape and kernel size. A smaller value like (10, 10) will detect each word instead of a sentence.
finding contours (sequence of point defining object in an image)
Contours are typically used to find a white object from a black background.
create new text file
extracts texts from contours and written in text file
Dependencies : cv2 (OpenCV), numpy, re, matplotlib, webrowser
short overview :
with the help of cv2 I have created QR Code detector which returns data, the array of vertices of the found QR code quadrangle. QR Code Generator
Dependencies : qrcode, cv2 (OpenCV), numpy, re
with help of qrcode library I have created QR code generator, we have to just provide text then it will create QR code image
link : https://github.com/vijaynchakole/Face_Recognition
Dependencies : face_recognition, cv2, sklearn, matplotlib, selenium (for images download from google)
short overview:
I have done this project from scratch
I have selected 5 famous people for the Face Recognition Model.
Names of those people : Modi, Trump, Putin, Xi Jin Ping, Kim Jong Un
and downloaded their images from google using selenium for creating training and testing dataset.
I have created a Face Recognition Model. which recognizes the faces of above mentioned people.
code explanation in short :
with the help of selenium library I have downloaded all images for my project
1 with the help of face_recognition library I have created face encodings once I get face encodings then
I have used them for Model build.
I have built an SVC (Support Vector Classifier) model by using face encodings
Once model is built then it is used for face recognition in given image
Dependencies :
numpy, pandas, sklearn,matplotlib,seaborn,pandas_profiling, joblib, pickle
Agorithms Used :
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree
Supervised Machine Learning :
Classification Problem Statement
Technology : Deep Learning with Neural network using Python
with the help NLP techniques we classify whether sms is spam or Not
Dependencies : numpy, pandas, sklearn, nltk, re(regular expression)
9) Crawl popular website IMDb (Internet Movie Database) and create a database of Indian movie celebrities containing their images and personality traits.
I have selected website https://www.imdb.com/list/ls002913270/ for web scrapping. IMDB website provides top 100 indian celebraties list with their best movie work, images and
some personal information.
I have scrapped all information ralated celebraties. list of scrapped information as per below
Celebraty Name :
Celebraty image :
profession :
best work movie :
personal information :
Dependencies : os, urllib, bs4 (BeautifulSoup), wget (for image download), mysql (for database connectivity and database operation)
Automation script which fetch URL, title and content headers of wikipedia page using Beautiful Soup.
Dependencies : request, BeautifulSoup
Automation script which display all files , find checkSum of files, display duplicate files, remove duplicate files
1). Directory Watcher
2). Directory File CheckSum
3). Directory Duplicate File Detector
4). Directory duplicate File Removal
Dependencies : os, sys, hashlib
Automation script which accepts time interval from user and create log file in that Log Monitoring folder directory which contains information of all running processes.
After creating the log file send that log file through mail.
Dependencies : os, psutil, time, urllib, sys, smtplib, schedule, email
Topic : Automation script which accept file name. Extract all URL’s from that file and connect to that URL’s through Webbrowser.
Dependencies : urllib, re, webbrowser, os