

A Flutter Mobile Application with Firebase as backend which serves as a safe and interactive platform where students and volunteers interested in mentoring can have a healthy discussion on various topics.


  1. Mentors can create Classrooms on any topic and Students can join any classroom on any topic on the platform.
  2. Students can Request a Mentor for a new Classroom on a specific topic if it doesn't exist on the platform.
  3. Each classroom has its own discussion page where users can ask questions in form of texts and images. Each classroom also has a limit of 50 students to balance mentor-student ratio on the platform.
  4. Each discussion page has a profanity filter to maintain the integrity of discussions.
  5. A feature allowing users to "star" certain messages which they may consider important during discussions.
  6. Clicking on a message will take them to the user's profile who sent the message, displaying all their activities on the platform.
  7. Students can give reviews and ratings for each classroom they are enrolled in.
  8. Students looking to join a new classroom can use an instant search feature to find the desired classroom on the topic they are looking for.
  9. The platform also ranks students based on their interaction and activeness in discussions.
  10. Displaying user statistics for example hours spent on the platform, etc.
  11. Toggle button to display only star messages to filter out unimportant messages.
  12. Light and Dark Theme for the application.

App GUI Flow

Please refer to the video presentation for a detailed GUI Flow explanation.

Future Vision

  1. Adding functionality to "Join Meeting" button which can redirect users to their respective Zoom/Google Meets via APIs.
  2. An "Ask In Private" button for the students who might feel uncomfortable in asking questions on the discussion page.
  3. A Public discussion page where any user either a student or a mentor can take part in open discussion on any topic.
  4. Allowing transfer of Files, Documents, Videos, GIFs in the discussion page.
  5. More Advanced Recommendation Systems, Search and Profanity filters for users.
  6. Employing more effective techniques to increase interactivity on the platform like setting goals and giving rewards upon successful completion, displaying more interesting statistics on the profile page.


1) flutter

2) firebase