
GPU Hackathon - MOAB mini-apps

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains two mini-apps that were created to improve the MOAB remapping workflow for Climate problems.

  1. Kd-tree mini-app implementation: This example loads a 2d/3d unstructured mesh file and performs several queries to locate the points belonging to elements in the mesh.

    Typical usage: ./kdtreeApp -i MESH_FILE -d 3 -n 100000 -r 1

    There are parameters that can be specified for the application. a) -i <path> - Path to the mesh file to load and query. b) -d <int> - Leading dimension of the mesh file. Default is 3. c) -n <int> - Number of queries to perform on the tree datastructure. Default is 1000000. c) -r <int> - Number of in-memory refinements to perform to have a much bigger mesh to query. Default is 0.

  2. SpMV(n) mini-app implementation: This example loads a remapping weight matrix from file, and forms a SparseMatrix datastructure in memory. Then it applies the matrix onto a random vector multiple times to compute average time for SpMV.

    Typical usage follows: ./spmvApp OPERATOR_PATH -t -v 1 -n 100

    There are parameters that can be varied here. a) OPERATOR_PATH - This is a required argument specifying the path to the NetCDF-based matrix weights file. a) -t - Enable both Ax and A^Tx operations in timing profile. Default is False. b) -v <int> - This argument controls the number of vectors onto which the operator is applied. This is useful to mimic transfer of multiple real world fields between components. Default is 1. c) -n <int> - This number controls the total iterations to perform to get an average SpMV timing. Default is 100.