
Running inventory of JS and Reactjs tutorials


Running inventory of JS and Reactjs tutorials

  1. https://github.com/Microsoft/TechnicalCommunityContent/tree/master/Web%20Frameworks/React
  2. https://egghead.io/lessons/react-react-fundamentals-development-environment-setup, https://egghead.io/lessons/react-understand-the-react-component-lifecycle-methods, https://egghead.io/lessons/react-use-create-react-app-to-setup-a-simple-react-app
  3. https://bitbucket.org/sgobinda/realtime-todo/src/46bf0b74864f656b41a3b932ea7ed09000c8444e/client/?at=master, https://github.com/GO345724?tab=repositories
  4. Learning react component
  5. https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-workshop
  6. https://github.com/FortechRomania/react-redux-complete-example
  7. https://medium.freecodecamp.org/the-react-handbook-b71c27b0a795 (Jan 2019)
  8. MapDispatchToProps and MapStateToProps
  9. React + Redux container pattern, and Attendence tracker application https://github.com/antoinfive/flatiron-attendance-trackr-frontend/tree/master/src/components
  10. Lifting state up when several components needs to reflect same changing data
  11. React.js: a better introduction to the most powerful UI library ever created.
  12. Beginners guide to React js
  13. React HOC
  14. React training and github workshoop (https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-workshop)
  15. React handbook - imp
  16. Dan Abramov - React tutotials - imp
  17. Things to learn in React
  18. https://devrel.net/community/why-i-bet-my-career-on-react
  19. https://2019.stateofjs.com/front-end-frameworks/

Other interesting articles on ReactJs and Redux

  1. First progressive webapp
  2. Spring data with React
  3. Understanding unidirectional data flow in React
  4. Important lessons learned after a year of working with React
  5. Getting started with Redux - egghead- imp by Dan Abramov
  6. ReactJS and D3 libraries

Javascript concepts

  1. Client-side vs server-side rendering, why it's not al black and white. and Client and Server side rendering in React apps
  2. Client-side vs Server side templating
  3. You Don't Know JS – An excellent, and very thorough, overview of the core aspects of JavaScript. Highlights include: Asynchrony: Now & Later – Learn to appreciate the subtleties of the asynchronous nature of client-side JS apps. Promises – Discover how the pitfalls of callbacks can be avoided by harnessing the power of promises.
  4. Modern javascript explained for Dinosaurs
  5. ES6 Arrow functions
  6. Promise, Using promise http://ccoenraets.github.io/es6-tutorial/promises/
  7. Standard built-in objects in JavaScript
  8. ES6 - https://blog.pragmatists.com/top-10-es6-features-by-example-80ac878794bb
  9. JS Ninja - https://github.com/vijayyadav06/javascript-react-lessons/blob/master/jsninja2.pdf
  10. JS interview questions -https://github.com/vijayyadav06/javascript-react-lessons/blob/master/Slay%20the%20JavaScript%20Interview.pdf