Installing the Dependency:
go get -u

To build Go application:

go build -o app

To run The App:


Retrieving the List of Articles in JSON Format

To see our latest updates in action, build and run your application. Then execute the following command:

curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/
This should return a response as follows:

[{"id":1,"title":"Article 1","content":"Article 1 body"},{"id":2,"title":"Article 2","content":"Article 2 body"}]
As you can see, our request got a response in the JSON format because we set the Acceptheader to application/json.

Retrieving an Article in XML Format

Let's now get our application to respond with the details of a particular article in the XML format. To do this, first start your application as mentioned above. Now execute the following command:

curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/xml" http://localhost:8080/article/view/1
This should return a response as follows:

<article><ID>1</ID><Title>Article 1</Title><Content>Article 1 body</Content></article>
As you can see, our request got a response in the XML format because we set the Acceptheader to application/xml.