
step 1

Install ory cli by following the steps given in the link below ory cli installation docs-- please click this link to install the ory cli

step 2

once the ory cli is installed create a ory project by running the below line ory create project

step 3

once the project is created run the below line to get the project ID ory list projects

step 4

please note down the project ID you got from the above step

now run the below line to create a oauth client in Hydra , use the Project ID that you got from the Previous step

ory create oauth2-client --project <Your Project ID> \

--name "nodeapp" \

--grant-type authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials \

--response-type code,id_token \

--scope openid --scope offline_access --scope email \


The response will be similar to the one provided below, note down all those details

CLIENT ID 505409xa-8ccd-4259-9444-c4f7281d8de7

CLIENT SECRET cSYiFwbbOlqrgkjashsdf~ksGDt

GRANT TYPES authorization_code, refresh_token, client_credentials

RESPONSE TYPES code, id_token

SCOPE openid offline_access email



step 5

Execute the below line to get the config file

ory get oauth2-config <Your project ID> --format yaml > config.yaml

step 6

***modify the config as given below: ***


consent: http://localhost:3000/consent

error: /ui/error

login: http://localhost:3000/login

post_logout_redirect: /oauth2/fallbacks/logout

step 7

after modifying the config files login and consent endpoints as given above execute the below line

ory update oauth2-config <Your project ID> --file config.yaml

step 8

Run the go program which will serve the login and consent endpoints

go run main.go

step 9

now execute the below lines , this will create a oauth client application that will run in http://localhost:5555 This application will mimic the oauth client application in real world. Ory has created this awsome solution for the developers to test everything

ory perform authorization-code \
  --client-id <Your client ID> \
  --client-secret <Your client secret> \
  --project <your Project ID> \
  --port 5555 \
  --scope openid

step 10

now open http://localhost:5555 ***voila you got the id token *** use this link to decode the id token