A command-line (CLI) script to batch-process and work with the files unzipped from the twitter backup archive zip file.
## Features
- It can be used to generate 'grailbird' javascript files which are compatible with the default twitter archive viewer application, of which I have written an experimental updated version called tweets-gb where the generated files can be dropped-in and optionally linked via a file:/// URL to the physical file on disk when browsed off-line, locally and in a web browser.
- Exported grailbird data can be viewed in @vijinho/tweets-gb
- It can also import grailbird files, join them, and optionally merge into existing tweets.js data.
- It can unshorten all short-links and resolve all links fully (saving the results to urls.json for re-use on successive runs (it's a time-consuming process to check-links which can take hours!). This can be used with the --offline option to speed-up subsequent processing further. Media entity attributes will be updated to reflect changes.
- Option local will check subfolders for content and add file and path information into the tweet under new attributes (videos, images, files). Also these local files will be swapped-in for the remote-ones for viewing off-line and loading faster.
- The --delete option will delete lower-bitrate video files and keep the highest bitrate file if used with the local-files option *local- Can filter tweets on date/time (from and to specific dates) using PHP strtotime for flexible date/time format
- An option exists to also delete duplicate local tweet files. These are files named 9999999999-XXXXXXXX.(jpg|png|mp4|...) and the resultant file will chop off the numeric tweet_id at the start of the filename (and dash) and just rename one of the duplicate files to XXXXXXXX.(jpg|png|mp4|...), deleting the rest. The script will update the file and entity links to reflect the new filename.
- Option to filter results on a list of given attributes/keys --keys-filter and also to drop keys altogether from tweets with --keys-remove.
- Can filter tweets based on executing a PHP regular-expression (and optionally save the regular expression results in the tweet as a new attribute regexps)
- Creates a new tweet attribute: created_at_unixtime which is the unixtime of the tweet.
- Creates a new tweet attribute: text which is the cleaned-up tweet-text after processing, also named to be compatible with default twitter export. *.
- Option to specify previous output of batch processing as input with --tweets-file
- All processed tweets are saved to output.json by default but this can be changed with --filename
- Output can also be optionally changed to .txt or serialized php.
- Option to discard tweets which are mentions or retweets (--no-retweets and --no-mentions)
- Can just return a json file of either of the following: js/json files, images, videos or all files in the twitter backup folder.
- Save basic info of all users mentioned or RT'd to users.json with --list-users
- Adds new tweet attribute 'rt' if RT containing RT'd username
This is intentionally written as a stand-alone self-contained command-line php script, hacked-together, written in a procedural style. These are the command-line options available:
Usage: php tweets.php
-h, --help Display this help and exit
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode
-d, --debug Run in debug mode (implies also -v, --verbose)
-t, --test Run in test mode, show what would be done, NO filesystem changes.
--dir={.} Directory of unzipped twitter backup files (current dir if not specified)
--dir-output={.} Directory to output files in (default to -dir above)
--format={json} Output format for script data: txt|php|json (default)
-f, --filename={output.} Filename for output data from operation, default is 'output.{--OUTPUT_FORMAT}'
--grailbird-import={dir} Import in data from the grailbird json files of the standard twitter export. If specified with '-a' will merge into existing tweets before outputting new file.
-g, -g={dir} Generate json output files compatible with the standard twitter export feature to dir
--grailbird-media Copy local media files to grailbird folder, using same file path
--media-prefix Prefix to local media folder instead of direct file:// path, e.g. '/' if media folders are to be replicated under webroot for serving via web and prefixing a URL path, implies --local
--list Only list all files in export folder and halt - filename
--list-js Only List all javascript files in export folder and halt
--list-images Only list all image files in export folder and halt
--list-videos Only list all video files in export folder and halt
--list-users Only list all users in tweets, (default filename 'users.json') and halt
--list-missing-media List media URLs for which no local file exists and halt (implies --local)
--organize-media Organize local downloaded media, for example split folder into date/month subfolders
--download-missing-media Download missing media (from --list-missing-media) and halt, e.g.. missing media files (implies --local)
--list-profile-images Only list users profile images, (in filename 'users.json') and halt
--download-profile-images WARNING: This can be a lot of users! Download profile images.
--tweets-count Only show the total number of tweets and halt
-i, --tweets-file={tweet.js} Load tweets from different json input file instead of default twitter 'tweet.js' or 'tweet.json' (priority if exists)
-a, --tweets-all Get all tweets (further operations below will depend on this)
--date-from Filter tweets from date/time, see: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php
--date-to Filter tweets up-to date/time, see: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php
--no-retweets Drop re-tweets (RT's)
--no-mentions Drop tweets starting with mentions
--minimal Minimal output for each tweet, no superfluous data like tweet IDs.
--media-only Only media tweets
--urls-expand Expand URLs where shortened and data available (offline) in tweet (new attribute: text)
-u, --urls-resolve Unshorten and dereference URLs in tweet (in new attribute: text) - implies --urls-expand
--urls-check Check every single target url (except for twitter.com and youtube.com) and update - implies --urls-resolve
--urls-check-source Check failed source urls - implies --urls-resolve
--urls-check-force Forcibly checks every single failed (numeric) source and target url and update - implies --urls-check
-o, --offline Do not go-online when performing tasks (only use local files for url resolution for example)
-l, --local Fetch local file information (if available) (new attributes: images,videos,files)
-x, --delete DANGER! At own risk. Delete files where savings can occur (i.e. low-res videos of same video), run with -t to test only and show files
--dupes List (or delete) duplicate files. Requires '-x/--delete' option to delete (will rename duplicated file from '{tweet_id}-{id}.{ext}' to '{id}.{ext}). Preview with '--test'!
--keys-required=k1,k2,. Returned tweets which MUST have all of the specified keys
-r, --keys-remove=k1,k2,. List of keys to remove from tweets, comma-separated (e.g. 'sizes,lang,source,id_str')
-k, --keys-filter=k1,k2,. List of keys to only show in output - comma, separated (e.g. id,created_at,text)
--regexp='/<pattern>/i' Filter tweet text on regular expression, i.e /(google)/i see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php
--regexp-save=name Save --regexp results in the tweet under the key 'regexps' using the key/id name given
--thread=id Returned tweets for the thread with id
Report duplicate tweet media files and output to 'dupes.json':
tweets.php -fdupes.json --dupes
Delete duplicate tweet media files (will rename them from '{tweet_id}-{id}.{ext}' to '{id}.{ext})':
tweets.php --delete --dupes
Show total tweets in tweets file:
tweets.php --tweets-count --format=txt
Write all users mentioned in tweets to default file 'users.json':
tweets.php --list-users
Show javascript files in backup folder:
tweets.php -v --list-js
Resolve all URLs in 'tweet.js' file, writing output to 'tweet.json':
tweets.php -v -u --filename=tweet.json
Resolve all URLs in 'tweet.js' file, writing output to grailbird files in 'grailbird' folder and also 'tweet.json':
tweets.php -u --filename=tweet.json -g=export/grailbird
Get tweets from 1 Jan 2017 to 'last friday', only id, created and text keys:
tweets.php -d -v -o -u --keys-filter=id,created_at,text,files --date-from '2017-01-01' --date-to='last friday'
List URLs for which there are missing local media files:
tweets.php -v --list-missing-media
Download files from URLs for which there are missing local media files:
tweets.php -v --download-missing-media
Organize 'tweet_media' folder into year/month subfolders:
tweets.php -v --organize-media
Prefix the local media with to a URL path 'assets':
tweets.php -v --media-prefix='/assets'
Generate grailbird files with expanded/resolved URLs:
tweets.php -v -u -g=export/grailbird
Generate grailbird files with expanded/resolved URLs using offline saved url data - no fresh checking:
tweets.php -v -o -u -g=export/grailbird
Generate grailbird files with expanded/resolved URLs using offline saved url data and using local file references where possible:
tweets.php -v -o -u -l -g=export/grailbird
Generate grailbird files with expanded/resolved URLs using offline saved url data and using local file references, dropping retweets:
tweets.php -v -o -u -l -g=export/grailbird --no-retweets
Filter tweet text on word 'hegemony' since last year, exporting grailbird:
tweets.php -v -o -u -l -g=export/grailbird --regexp='/(hegemony)/i' --regexp-save=hegemony
Extract the first couple of words of the tweet and name the saved regexp 'words':
tweets.php -v -o -u -l -x -g=export/grailbird --regexp='/^(?P<first>[a-zA-Z]+)\s+(?P<second>[a-zA-Z]+)/i' --regexp-save=words
Import grailbird tweets and export tweets with local media files to web folder:
tweets.php -v -g=www/vijinho/ --media-prefix='/vijinho/' --grailbird-media --grailbird-import=vijinho/import/data/js/tweets
Import twitter grailbird files,check URL and export new grailbird files:
tweets.php -v -g=www/vijinho/ --grailbird-import=import/data/js/tweets --urls-check
Import and merge grailbird files from 'import/data/js/tweets', fully-resolving links and local files:
tweets.php -v -o -l -u --grailbird-import=import/data/js/tweets -g=export/grailbird
Export only tweets which have the 'withheld_in_countries' key to export/grailbird folder:
tweets.php -v -u -o --keys-required='withheld_in_countries' -g=export/grailbird
Export only tweets containing text 'youtu':
tweets.php -v --regexp='/youtu/' -g=www/vijinho/ --media-prefix='/vijinho/' --grailbird-media
Export only no mentions, no RTs':
tweets.php -v -g=www/vijinho/ --media-prefix='/vijinho/' --grailbird-media --no-retweets --no-mentions
Export only media tweets only':
tweets.php -v -g=www/vijinho/ --media-prefix='/vijinho/' --grailbird-media --media-only
Export the tweet thread 967915766195609600 as grailbird export files, to tweets to thread.json and folder called thread:
tweets.php -v --thread=967915766195609600 --filename=www/thread/data/js/thread.json -g=www/thread/ --media-prefix='/thread/' --grailbird-media
Export the tweet thread 967915766195609600 as a js file test/test.json, and copy media files too:
tweets.php -v --dir=vijinho --thread=1108500373298442240 --filename=test/test.json --copy-media=test
Export the tweet thread 967915766195609600 as markdown, and copy media files too:
tweets.php -d -v --dir=vijinho --thread=967915766195609600 --filename=thread/vijinho_967915766195609600_md/item.md --media-prefix=/vijinho_967915766195609600_md/ --copy-media=thread/vijinho_967915766195609600_md --format=md
Resolve URLs from tweets.js/tweets.json file and create a complete grailbird-data export, creating a new tweets.json file after to
tweets.php -v -d --date-from '2019-05-01' --urls-expand --urls-resolve --grailbird-media --media-prefix='/' --grailbird=grailbird --filename="tweet.json"
Generate markdown output file of all tweets except RTs and mentions for threads which have at least 10 tweets
tweets.php -v -d --no-retweets --no-mentions --format=md --filename=output.md --threads-tweets=10
- I have only tested it on MacOS but it should work under Linux.
- This script is memory-hungry, I had to increase my limit to 512MB to handle 10 years and over 30,000 tweets.
Supposing tweets.php
is in the folder 'cli' and you are running for a user 'euromoan'.
### Make the following folders:
euromoan/www/euromoan - this is the top-level folder of the un-zipped file (containing the twitter index.html file)
In the euromoan folder, copying the data from the account data/js/user_details.js
and from browsing the twitter page for the user:
window.YTD.account.part0 = [{
"account": {
"email": "euromoan@example.com",
"createdVia": "web",
"username": "euromoan",
"accountId": "816715694133964800",
"createdAt": "2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"accountDisplayName": "Mario Drago",
"timeZone": "Basel, Switzerland"
window.YTD.profile.part0 = [{
"profile": {
"description": {
"bio": "Evil banker. #TBTJ untouchable Communist Head of ECB. I do whatever it takes to keep EU masses enslaved, enriching my cronies of the BIS, FSB, G30 etc PARODY!.",
"website": "",
"location": "Basel, Switzerland"
"avatarMediaUrl": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/986255258073657350/g8fvWiDX.jpg",
"headerMediaUrl": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/816715694133964800/1523976777"
Save the URL images to files in profile_media
This will create the tweet.js
similar to a full twitter backup download zip contains.
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan --grailbird-import=euromoan/www/euromoan/data/js/tweets --filename=tweet.js --debug`
This will also make users.json
and urls.json
files containing the use and url information contained therein.
After the previous step, you can make a tweet.json
(note extension change - by default tweet.js
cli creates .json files) file with the un-shortened/resolved URLs:
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan -a -itweet.js --filename=tweet.json -u --urls-check-source --debug`
Or run the whole create step again with URL resolving:
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan --grailbird-import=euromoan/www/euromoan/data/js/tweets --filename=tweet.js -u --debug`
This will create the YYYY-MM.js files with the resolved URLs in a folder structure as with the original twitter download in export/grailbird
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan --filename=tweet.json -itweet.js --filename=tweet.json -u -o -g=euromoan/www/euromoan --debug`
This will list the local tweet_media
files that are missing and where they would be downloaded:
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan -itweet.js --filename=missing.json -a -u -l --list-missing-media --debug`
To download:
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan -itweet.js --filename=missing.json -a -u -l --download-missing-media debug`
To organize the tweet_media
files into subfolders:
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan -itweet.js --filename=missing.json -a -u -l --organize-media --debug`
Files will be exported to euromoan/export/grailbird
in the correct folder structure to overwrite/replace the original download or use as data files for @vijinho/tweets-gb
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan -a -u -o -l -g=euromoan/www/euromoan --debug`
This will check/update the source and destination URLs (if they have been redirected/changed) unless they are twitter.com or www.youtube.com hosts.
`php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan --dir-output=euromoan -a -u --urls-check-force --debug`
#### Exporting tweets and media files along with (grailbird) data for web browsing:
Assuming your target data grailbird folder (containing files from tweets-gb) is in euromoan/www/euromoan
and that euromoan/www
is the webroot.
This will process tweets in euromoan
, exporting data and media files to euromoan/www/euromoan
and the media file URLs will be prefixed with /euromoan/
such that browsing from the webroot euromoan/www
and starting a webserver there (with php) will reference the local files under the webroot path /euromoan/path/to/file
$ php cli/tweets.php --dir=euromoan -g=euromoan/www/euromoan/ --grailbird-media --media-prefix='/euromoan/' --debug
$ cd euromoan/www
$ php -S
- Reduce memory-usage!
- Work and process other files in the twitter backup fileset, e.g. for Twitter Moments
- Option to export/copy a tweet and all associated files
- Option to write filtered tweets to a different file formats, e.g. CSV or HTML
- Option to generate markdown .md files from tweets in subfolders, compatible with grav
This was written after browsing @mwichary/twitter-export-image-fill and reading about this issue:
"Twitter has two ways of getting an archive. One is the way you show. The second requires going to: Settings and privacy > Your Twitter data > Download your Twitter data > Download data