
client-side parsing of JavaScript literate programming in Markdown documents

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


lit-web is a simple HTTP loader for Markdown documents which lets web browsers extract and run JavaScript code from code blocks embedded in Markdown files, which in turn promotes good written documentation. This technique is called literate programming.

For a more detailed discussion about why you might want to do this, or to implement with other programming languages or without the occasional compromises made by lit-web in pursuit of ease of use, please instead see lit, a more powerful shell script which provides the same functionality in a more agnostic fashion.

In contrast, lit-web strives to provide the lowest possible barrier to entry for literate programming – just include this tiny 4 kilobyte script tag on the page and you can immediately start literate programming for the web using JavaScript without any other tools, dependencies, or build processes.

see it in action


Loading as <script> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/lit-web">

Simply load both lit-web.js and a Markdown document containing literate programming on the page using <script> tags. The JavaScript code blocks from your Markdown document will execute, and the Markdown portions will be commented out on the fly so that debugging tools will point to the correct line number with documentation intact.

For example, a Markdown document named app.md:

# this is a markdown file!

It can have *all the usual markdown stuff*, but only the JavaScript code blocks will run:

// log a message
console.log('hello world');

Some HTML to serve it:

        <script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/lit-web"></script>
        <script type="text/markdown" src="//path/to/app.md"></script>

lit-web.js will load the content of app.md, transpile it into JavaScript on the fly by commenting out the Markdown content, and then execute the result:

// # this is a markdown file!
// It can have *all the usual markdown stuff*, but only the JavaScript code blocks will run:
// ```javascript
// log a message
console.log('hello world');
// ```

You must include js or javascript as a language specifier after opening up a fenced code block in Markdown. Fenced code blocks that specify any other language and fenced code blocks that do not specify a language at all will be ignored. This makes it possible for you to include other code in your Markdown file without that code being executed. This is particularly useful for including Bash commands.

The type attribute for your literate JavaScript script tag should be text/markdown so that lit-web can identify which scripts are loading Markdown documents that it should process and execute. Alternatively, you can also use the non-standard type attribute value text/literate-javascript, which may be useful if elsewhere you are also loading Markdown URLs for reasons other than code execution and need to be able to distinguish them from your literate programming. However, the type attribute for lit-web.js must instead be boring ol' text/javascript, because before it is loaded there is no way to parse literate scripts.

Loading as ES Module

Loading as a script tag is easiest, but for more stable application builds which allow dynamic execution of arbitrary Markdown you can also install from npm.

# install lit-web module
$ npm install lit-web

Then you can just import the module:

// import ES module during a build process
import 'lit-web';

In order to import directly into a live web app over remote HTTP, you must specify the file's location and extension rather than relying on the Node.js module path resolution logic.

// import ES module remotely over HTTP
import '//path/to/lit-web.js';

If you don't need your application to execute arbitrary Markdown on the fly, you're probably better off with a build-oriented tool such as lit or the Markdown importer for Rollup.


  • There are performance costs to parsing your code blocks in the client and sending the extra Markdown text content over HTTP. This should be negligible in most of the quick-and-dirty situations where a dynamic solution like lit-web excels. For better performance, use one of the alternative tools listed below and optimize your application build.
  • It's especially important that your literate programming scripts use strict mode internally in order to cleanly avoid scope conflicts, but of course you should already be using that anyway.
  • Exact line numbers reported by debugging tools may be off be a line or two relative to the original Markdown document because of the function wrapper that's added to improve scope safety.
  • Only one layer of in-browser Markdown parsing is supported, so you can't use this tool to load Markdown documents with ES6 import statements (as you can with lit-node, for example). To import additional literate code files into your project, set up a build process that incorporates one of the alternative tools listed below.
  • Code blocks are loaded using the Function constructor, which is sort of like a somewhat safer version of eval() and is subject to some of the same concerns. Any possible security issues will simply depend on how safe your Markdown files are, which is roughly the same as it would be if you were loading regular JavaScript files.

Other Tools

  • lit is a general-purpose source code preprocessing tool which allows you to code in a literate style in any language, and also load and interpret your Markdown documents directly
  • lit-node is a wrapper for Node.js which lets Node interpret Markdown files, import modules declared inside Markdown files using require(), and also provides a REPL
  • rollup-plugin-markdown implements similar source code processing logic, but it provides more precise sourcemaps, integrates with a popular build tool, and is available via npm
  • Blaze creates an agnostic local environment for literate programming in which any Markdown file can be executed
  • Docco and its many variants render literate source code into beautiful browsable HTML
  • CoffeeScript and Haskell support literate programming natively and do not need any additional tooling!