Web Crawler using Spring Boot and Completable Futures & EhCache

An example application using Spring boot and Completable Future & EhCache

Technology stack

  • Spring Boot
  • Swagger
  • Spring Boot Test/JUnit/Mockito/RestAssured

Build Instruction

  • Maven
  • JDK 8 or above


Internet Without proxy

mvn spring-boot:run

Internet With proxy

JVM Property Description
http.proxyHost proxy host name
https.proxyHost https proxy host name
http.proxyPort proxy port number
https.proxyPort https proxy port number
http.proxyUser proxy user name
https.proxyUser https proxy user name
http.proxyPassword proxy user password
https.proxyPassword https proxy user password

Pass all applicable jvm arguments

mvn -D[jvmProperty]=[value] spring-boot:run




Query Param name Description
url [Mandatory] url to crawl
depth Depth of the page links to be crawled, default is 2 max 10
breadth Max number of page links to be considered to crawl, default is 10 and max 20