
Well-typed data pipeline framework for building robust ETL jobs

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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maestro: a distinguished conductor

The maestro library provides convenient marshalling and orchestration of data for ETL type work by providing a common framework for conducting jobs combining a variety of data APIs.

The primary goal of maestro is to make it easy to manage data sets with out sacrificing safety or robustness. This is achieved by faithfully sticking to strongly-typed schemas describing the fixed structure of data, and providing APIs for manipulating those structures in a sensible way that scales to data sets with 100s of columns.


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starting point

maestro is designed to work with highly structured data. It is expected that all data-sets manipulated by maestro at some level (maybe input, output or intermediate representations) have a well defined wide row schema and fixed set of columns.

At this point, maestro supports thrift for schema definitions.

maestro uses the thrift schema definition to derive as much meta-data and implementation of custom processing (such as printing and parsing) as it can. It then provides APIs that use these "data type" specific tools to provide generic "tasks" like generating analytics views.

5 minute quick-start

Defining a thrift schema.

This is not the place for a full thrift tutorial, if you would like more complete documentation then http://diwakergupta.github.io/thrift-missing-guide/ is a really good reference.

So if a dataset was going to land on the system, we would define a schema accurately defining the columns and types:

#@namespace scala au.com.cba.omnia.etl.customer.thrift

struct Customer {
  1  : string CUSTOMER_ID
  2  : string CUSTOMER_NAME
  3  : string CUSTOMER_ACCT
  4  : string CUSTOMER_CAT
  5  : string CUSTOMER_SUB_CAT
  7  : string EFFECTIVE_DATE

This is a simplified example, a real data set may have 100s of columns, but it should be enough to demonstrate. The important points here are that order is important, the struct should be defined to have fields in the same order as input data, and types are important, they should accurately describe the data (and will be used to infer how the data should be parsed and validated).

Building a maestro job

The core of most ETL jobs can be implemented quickly and safely using the features of maestro, but it is also designed to easily accommodate custom code, including code using raw APIs like scalding, hive, hdfs and sqoop.

A maestro job is defined via an Execution (see scalding and the Execution monad in the Concepts section below), generally involving multiple steps, with each step being an Execution itself and potentially depending on the results of previous steps. This is often neatly expressed as a Scala for-yield comprehension like in the example below.

maestro includes convenient ways to construct Execution steps from hive queries, sqoop import/export, hdfs operations, scalding pipes and various other convenient ways of specifying operations and combining steps.

An example maestro job that loads a customer data file into a hive table is in the example CustomerJob.scala. An extract follows to give the flavour of executions and the their configuration.

case class CustomerAutomapConfig(config: Config) {
  val maestro   = MaestroConfig(
    conf        = config,
    source      = "customer",
    domain      = "customer",
    tablename   = "customer"
  val upload    = maestro.upload()
  val load      = maestro.load[Customer](none = "null")
  val acctTable = maestro.partitionedHiveTable[Account, (String, String, String)](
    partition   = Partition.byDate(Fields[Account].EffectiveDate),
    tablename   = "account"

object CustomerAutomapJob extends MaestroJob {
  def job: Execution[JobStatus] = {
    @automap def customerToAccount (x: Customer): Account = {
      id           := x.acct
      customer     := x.id
      balance      := x.balance / 100
      balanceCents := x.balance % 100
    for {
      conf             <- Execution.getConfig.map(CustomerAutomapConfig(_))
      uploadInfo       <- upload(conf.upload)
      sources          <- uploadInfo.withSources
      (pipe, loadInfo) <- load[Customer](conf.load, uploadInfo.files)
      acctPipe          = pipe.map(customerToAccount)
      loadSuccess      <- loadInfo.withSuccess
      count            <- viewHive(conf.acctTable, acctPipe)
      if count == loadSuccess.actual
    } yield JobFinished


Generated support for fields and records

maestro will use the metadata available from the thrift definition to generate supporting infrastructure customized for your specific record type. This will give us the ability to refer to fields in code for partitioning, validation, row filtering and transformations in a way that can be easily be checked and validated up front (by the compiler in most circumstances, and on start-up before things run in the worst case). Such field references can have interesting metadata which potentially allows us to automatically parse, print, validate, filter, partition the data in a way that we know will work before we run the code (for a valid schema).

Type Mappings

Thrift Type Hive Type Scala Type
bool: A boolean value (true or false), one byte BOOLEAN bool
byte: A signed byte TINYINT (1-byte signed integer, from -128 to 127) byte
i16: A 16-bit signed integer SMALLINT (2-byte signed integer, from -32,768 to 32,767) short
i32: A 32-bit signed integer INT (4-byte signed integer, from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) int
i64: A 64-bit signed integer BIGINT (8-byte signed integer, from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807) BigInteger
double: A 64-bit floating point number DOUBLE (8-byte double precision floating point number) double
string: Encoding agnostic text or binary string string (non-binary only) String

Complex thrift types like nested structs, list, sets and maps are not directly supported by Maestro, at least not currently. Although, many of the underlying libraries do support some of the forms of complex thrift types.

Execution monad

The execution monad is a key concept from scalding, see the com.twitter.scalding.Execution trait and object as well as the maestro extensions in RichExecution and RichExecutionObject.

An execution is an object with type Execution[T] representing some work that can be performed that provides an item of type T if it succeeds, otherwise it fails. The work can depend on configuration information, and can involve a variety of smaller steps, including hadoop jobs via scalding, with counters and caching when appropriate. Many small Executions can be chained together into a larger Execution using a for-yield-comprehension like in the earlier example.

for-yield-comprehensions for Execution[T] have the same structure as for other type constructors like List[T] and Iterable[T]. This is because these type constructors are all monads, which roughly means they allow chains to be formed via calls to flatMap. Scala for-yield comprehensions are actually just syntactic sugar for such chains, for more details see this FAQ.


Jobs should generally fail when unexpected conditions are detected so that appropriate action can be taken to fix the situation. Use if(condition) in a comprehension to cause the whole Execution to fail with an error if the condition is false (via the filter method, see the FAQ). Exceptions in custom executions (see below) also lead to failures.

Some useful methods related to failures include recoverWith, bracket ensuring and onException.

Custom executions

Execution.from allows any Scala code to be included in an Execution, however this should be done carefully, including considering handling errors and other unusual situations. If the code throws an exception this is caught and converted into a failing Execution.

Pure expressions that just return a value and never throw exceptions nor perform effects should be included in comprehensions using x = ... rather than x <- Execution.from(...).

Hive and Hdfs operations should instead be included in Executions via their own monads as outlined below.


Maestro allows you to write directly to Hive tables and to run queries on Hive tables as part of a Maestro job.

viewHive allows the Maestro job to write out the data from a TypedPipe (such as from a load) to a partitioned hive table in parquet. However, it also creates the hive table if it doesn't already exist, or verifies the schema if it does exist.

Alternatively HiveTable instances allow you to refer to a specific hive table. The source and sink methods on the HiveTable provide Scalding sources and sinks for typed pipes to read from or write to the table. name provides a fully qualifed name that can be used inside hql.

Execution.fromHive executes hive operations as part of a Maestro Execution, via the Hive[T] monad, providing an appropriate configuration from the Execution configuration. The Hive[T] monad is similar to the Execution[T] monad but specifically for building hive operations that include steps like creating databases and tables, as well as performing queries (yielding lists of strings), and some additional support for checking conditions and building compound operations.

Hive Limitations and issues

  • Currently it is not possible for our implementation to read in data from the partition columns. Instead it is expected that all the data is solely contained inside the core columns of the table itself. It is, therefore, not possible to partition on the same column as a field of the thrift struct (instead a duplicate column with a different name is required). Partition columns can only be used for hive performance reasons and not to carry information.

  • In order for the job to work the hive-site.xml needs to be on the classpath when the job is initiated and on every node.

  • Writing out hive files currently only works if the metastore is specified as thrift endpoint instead of database.

  • In order to run queries the hive-site.xml need to include the yarn.resourcemanager.address property even if the value is bogus.

  • In order to run queries with partitioning the partition mode needs to be set to nonstrict.


You can start with the example hive-site.xml. To use this either install it on your cluster, or add it to your project's resources directory so that it is included in your jar.


Maestro provides support for Hdfs operations similar to the support for the Hive[T] monad described above.


Partitioners are really simple. Partitioners are just a list of fields to partition a data set by.

The primary api is the list of fields you want to partition on:

Partition.byFields(Fields.CUSTOMER_CAT, Fields.CUSTOMER_SUB_CAT)

The api also has support for date formats, such as:

Partition.byDate(Fields.EFFECTIVE_DATE, "yyyy-MM-dd")

This will use that field, but split the partitioning into 3 parts of yyyy, MM and dd.


A Validator can be thought of as something that is a function from the record type to either an error message or an "ok" tick of approval. In a lot of cases this understanding can be simplified to saying it is a combination of a Field to validate and a Check to apply. There are a few builtin checks provided, if you want to do custom checking you can fail back to defining a custom function.

  Validator.of(fields.EFFECTIVE_DATE, Check.isDate),
  Validator.of(fields.CUSTOMER_CAT, Check.oneOf("BANK", "INSURE")),
  Validator.of(fields.CUSTOMER_NAME, Check.nonempty),
  Validator.of(fields.CUSTOMER_ID, Check.matches("\d+")),
  Validator.by[Customer](_.customerAcct.length == 4, "Customer accounts should always be a length of 4")