
🐍 Python 3 CLI utility to programming special purposes keyboard

This is an multi-OS implementation of programming a special purposes keyboard:

Usage scenario

  • Edit layout file.
  • Program special purposes keyboard by this utility with command-line interface.

Advantages of this utility

  • You may have several layout files.
  • Not need to use GUI to program and even for edit layout file (Unix way 🤖).
  • Multi-OS usage. Feel free. 🤠

Layout file

Key programming pattern:


key    - special purposes keyboard key;
symbol - keyboard/mouse action to do.

Symbols examples:

multi-key sequence:

with special keys:

the same:

multi-key sequence:

For knob programming use section with name Kn for knob n. Example:


For keys programming use KEYS section. Example:


Available knobs and keys depends of special purposes keyboard model.

For rgb leds mode, use LED section. Example:


3 modes are available :

  • 0 : switched off
  • 1 : pulsing last pressed key (alternating RGB)
  • 2 : continuous 'snake like' pattern

See layout file complete example: layout.ini

And another example: layout_volume_play.ini

Available symbols

Here's the list of the symbols usable in the layout files, mapped on a ISO (105 keys) keyboard


Image created with http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com


Be aware that USB subsystem access needs relevant rights. sudo for Kubuntu.

Install Python requirements before usage:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Command line help:

python3 ./keyboard_program.py -h
usage: keyboard_program.py [-h] [-l FILEPATH] [-d] [-v]

Programming utility of special purposes keyboard with encoders and keys.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l FILEPATH, --layout FILEPATH
                        keyboard layout file path; default: layout.ini
  -d, --dry             don't iteract with keyboard. Set this option to validate keyboard layout file
  -v, --verbose, -v     verbose level; use multiple times to increase log level; example: -vv

Special keys: CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, META or WIN. Example: "ctrl+shift+alt+meta+<-" or "c+s+a+m+<-". Example
multi-key sequence: "a,b,c" or "c+s+a+m+a,b,c". Known special keyboard USB Vendor:Product: 1189:8890.
Known symbols: esc, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f19,
f20, f21, f22, f23, f24, prtscn, scrolllock, pause, tilda, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, -, minus, +,
plus, backspace, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, space,
tab, capslock, enter, [{, ]}, \|, ;:, bracket, ,<, .>, /?, ins, del, home, end, pgup, pgdn, ->, <-,
arrowdn, arrowup, numlock, numdiv, nummul, num-, num+, num., menu, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6,
num7, num8, num9, num0, mouseleft, mouseright, mousemiddle, mouseweelup, mouseweeldn, play/pause, play,
pause, mute, volume+, volume-, nextsong, prevsong

Check layout file layout.ini:

sudo python3 ./keyboard_program.py -l "layout.ini" -vd
Read layout config file "layout.ini"
Encoder 1 left  programming to "<-"
Encoder 1 right programming to "->"
Encoder 1 press programming to "enter"
Key 03 programming to "3"
Key 02 programming to "2"
Key 01 programming to "1"
Key 06 programming to "6"
Key 05 programming to "5"
Key 04 programming to "4"

Command line programming example with verbose output (use default layout file name layout.ini):

sudo python3 ./keyboard_program.py -v
Read layout config file "layout.ini"
Encoder 1 left  programming to "<-"
Encoder 1 right programming to "->"
Encoder 1 press programming to "enter"
Key 03 programming to "3"
Key 02 programming to "2"
Key 01 programming to "1"
Key 06 programming to "6"
Key 05 programming to "5"
Key 04 programming to "4"

Command line programming example with more verbose output (use default layout file name layout.ini):

sudo python3 ./keyboard_program.py -vv
Read layout config file "layout.ini"
Encoder 1 left  programming to "<-"
Encoder 1 left  programming
        Bind KEY13 to codes=('0x50',) mod=none
Encoder 1 right programming to "->"
Encoder 1 right programming
        Bind KEY15 to codes=('0x4F',) mod=none
Encoder 1 press programming to "enter"
Encoder 1 press programming
        Bind KEY14 to codes=('0x28',) mod=none
Key 03 programming to "3"
Key 03 programming to code=0x20 mod=none
        Bind KEY03 to codes=('0x20',) mod=none
Key 02 programming to "2"
Key 02 programming to code=0x1F mod=none
        Bind KEY02 to codes=('0x1F',) mod=none
Key 01 programming to "1"
Key 01 programming to code=0x1E mod=none
        Bind KEY01 to codes=('0x1E',) mod=none
Key 06 programming to "6"
Key 06 programming to code=0x23 mod=none
        Bind KEY06 to codes=('0x23',) mod=none
Key 05 programming to "5"
Key 05 programming to code=0x22 mod=none
        Bind KEY05 to codes=('0x22',) mod=none
Key 04 programming to "4"
Key 04 programming to code=0x21 mod=none
        Bind KEY04 to codes=('0x21',) mod=none

USB data exchange log scenario on Linux-based machines

# 1. Attach special-purposes-keyboard by USB

# 2. Get USB bus number of keyboard USB connection:
# Example out (keyboard is attached to bus 1):
# Bus 001 Device 006: ID 1189:8890 Acer Communications & Multimedia

# 3. Enable USB log by usbmon kernel module:
sudo modprobe usbmon

# 4. Write USB log to keyboard-program.log file (stay this console running while USB logging):
#    1u is for bus 1. You can also filter device using grep (... | grep 1:006 >> ...)
sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/1u >> keyboard-program.log

# 5. Run "MINI KeyBoard.exe" on VirtualBox. Check USB access are granted

# 6. Program
# 6. Add label to USB log file (that help to analyze programming byte sequence):
echo "DOWNLOAD KEY1 = A" >> keyboard-program.log
# 6.1 program KEY1 = A with "MINI KeyBoard.exe"

# 7. Repeat p.6 for another keys/mouse/LED programming

# 8. Stop USB log (press <Ctrl+C> in console)