
A modern implementation of the pull-to-refresh interaction for #android

Primary LanguageJava



ActionBar-PullToRefresh provides an easy way to add a modern version of the pull-to-refresh interaction to your application.

Please note that this is not an update to Android-PullToRefresh, this has been created from new. You should think of this as Android-PullToRefresh's younger, leaner cousin.

This is a Preview

Please note that this is currently in a preview state. This basically means that the API is not fixed and you should expect changes between releases.

Sample Apps

There are two sample applications, the stock sample which uses the standard library and is therefore has a minSdkVersion of 14. There is also a sample which uses the ActionBarSherlock extra so has a minSdkVersion of 7.

Stock Sample

Get it on Google Play

ActionBarSherlock Sample

Get it on Google Play


Sample Video

Supported Views

ActionBar-PullToRefresh has in-built support for:

  • AbsListView derivatives (ListView & GridView).
  • ScrollView
  • WebView

If the View you want to use is not listed above, you can easily add support in your own code by providing a ViewDelegate. See the ViewDelegate section below for more info.


There are two ways to use this library.

PullToRefreshAttacher only

This is the simplest method, as it's just two lines of code. You just need to create an instance of PullToRefreshAttacher, giving it the Activity and the View for which will scroll.

private PullToRefreshAttacher mPullToRefreshAttacher;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Get View for which the user will scroll…
    View scrollableView = findViewById(R.id.blah); 

    // Create a PullToRefreshAttacher instance
    mPullToRefreshAttacher = PullToRefreshAttacher.get(this);

    // Add the Refreshable View and provide the refresh listener
    mPullToRefreshAttacher.addRefreshableView(scrollableView, this);

See the ListView sample for more info.


Using a PullToRefreshLayout gives the library better control over the touch events, and should be used if you find that using the above method is not working correctly.

Examples of when you would use PullToRefreshLayout are:

  • Clickable view with refreshable View
  • Not being able to pull from 'empty' space within the refreshable view.

The first thing you need to do is wrap your refreshable view in a PullToRefreshLayout:

    <!-- Your content, here we're using a ScrollView -->



Then in your Activity, get a PullToRefreshAttacher and give it to the PullToRefreshLayout, along with the OnRefreshListener.

private PullToRefreshAttacher mPullToRefreshAttacher;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Create a PullToRefreshAttacher instance
    mPullToRefreshAttacher = PullToRefreshAttacher.get(this);

    // Retrieve the PullToRefreshLayout from the content view
    PullToRefreshLayout ptrLayout = (PullToRefreshLayout) findViewById(R.id.ptr_layout);

    // Give the PullToRefreshAttacher to the PullToRefreshLayout, along with a refresh listener.
    ptrLayout.setPullToRefreshAttacher(mPullToRefreshAttacher, this);

See the ScrollView sample for more info.



One thing to note is that the PullToRefreshAttacher needs to be created in the onCreate() phase of the Activity. If you plan on using this library with Fragments then the best practice is for your Activity to create the PullToRefreshAttacher, and then have your fragments retrieve it from the Activity.

An example is provided in the Fragment & Tabs sample.


See the Customisation page for more information.


Action Bar is now pushed to Maven Central as a AAR, so you just need to add the following dependency to your build.gradle.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.chrisbanes.actionbarpulltorefresh:library:0.7.+'

Or if you are using one of the ActionBarSherlock or ActionBarCompat extras, you would use the following:

dependencies {
    // Use ONE of the following, depending on which library you are using
    compile 'com.github.chrisbanes.actionbarpulltorefresh:extra-abc:0.7.+'
    compile 'com.github.chrisbanes.actionbarpulltorefresh:extra-abs:0.7.+'


Copyright 2013 Chris Banes

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.