
Welcome to CatalystCart, the ultimate destination for fashion enthusiasts! With CatalystCart, we aim to revolutionize the online shopping experience by offering a seamless and visually stunning platform to browse, discover, and purchase the latest trends in fashion.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Description 📌

Greetings fellow developers!
Welcome to CatalystCart, the ultimate destination for fashion enthusiasts! CatalystCart is a revolutionary e-commerce web application developed solely by me, offering a seamless and visually stunning platform to browse, discover, and purchase the latest trends in fashion.

Built using ReactJS, MUI (Material-UI), styled components, React Router Dom, Redux Toolkit, Strapi, and other powerful technologies, CatalystCart aims to transform the online shopping experience. Its carefully crafted interface ensures an intuitive and captivating browsing experience, allowing users to effortlessly explore a wide range of fashion products.

Technologies Used

React MUI Styled Components ESLint Redux React Router Vercel CSS BADGE GIT BADGE GITHUB BADGE Strapi

What I learn from this project

  • ReactJS: Gain insights into structuring components, managing state, and creating reusable UI elements.
  • MUI and Styled Components: Learn how to style and theme your application using pre-designed components and custom styling techniques.
  • React Router Dom: Understand how to implement navigation and dynamic routes within a React application.
  • Redux Toolkit: Explore state management using Redux Toolkit for efficient application-wide state management.
  • E-commerce functionality: Gain insights into implementing core e-commerce features like product listing, search, filtering, and shopping cart management.
  • Best practices and project structure: Analyze the project's structure, file organization, and coding conventions for creating maintainable and scalable codebases.


  • I'm going to add server with strapi and implement redux toolkit with RTK query.

