Same material / Digestible pace / Longer Video:
- 9-Aug, 2014 Hands-On Training
Same material / Quickly covered / Shorter Video:
- Hands-On Training:
- No sessions currently scheduled
As we have seen with the previous talk, "Red Pill, Blue Pill Virtual Machines and Virtual Environments" ( GitHub / YouTube ), we can create virtual machines in the cloud.
But, how do you "stamp" those machines differently? If you need to build a web server, mail server, DNS server, and load balancer, each machine may have the same base image but needs to be configured differently.
If you manually configure those machines, what happens when you suddenly have a surge in traffic and need four more web servers? Or, what if one finds a vulnerability in a library like Heartbleed in OpenSSL as we recently encountered. A very safe option would be to rebuild these machines from scratch. If they were built manually, rebuilding these machines within minutes from scratch would be daunting, tedious and error prone.
There are several tools that have been built to fix this problem. Two of the most popular tools (Chef and Puppet ) are written in the Ruby programming language. And, especially for the most popular, Chef, one needs somewhat of a familiarity with that language to use the tool.
There are two more tools that are written in Python and are growing in popularity: Salt and Ansible. Ansible requires the least amount of set-up (if any) and has the simplest infrastructure (it simply uses commands over ssh like Fabric does). Ansible is the easiest tool to get started with if you are new in the machine build automation frameworks.
We will start with a newly built machine and obtain it's public IP address. We
will configure the ansible_hosts
file with the IP address, and add/build plays
(like recipes) to gradually configure that machine so that it is a
Django web server running in the cloud. When
we are finished, we should have a running machine and a recipe to easily build
a seconded machine with a few keystrokes.
P.S. If you haven't previously built an Amazon Web Instance, I highly recommend watching this video in advance of the talk.
Clone this repo.
prompt> git clone Cloning into 'ansible_tutorial'... remote: Reusing existing pack: 112, done. remote: Total 112 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) Receiving objects: 100% (112/112), 37.58 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (48/48), done. Checking connectivity... done.
Change to the src directory.
prompt> cd ansible_tutorial
Configure the repo for your account and settings
prompt> ( cd src; python ) This script creates configuration files for using Ansible to configure a newly-created virtual machine. It has been tested by the author on an AWS free tier VM. This has the best chance of working on an AWS free tier VM, or failing that, on a VM with a recent version of CentOS. No configuration file found. Let me ask questions so that we can configure. What is the path to your .pem key file for the virtual machine? --> ~/example_key.pem What user to use to ssh to the remote system [ec2-user]? --> Configuring `ansible_hosts` file ./ansible_hosts... What is the IP address of the virtual machine? --> Configuration is complete.
Follow the examples (starting with the
Here is a list of the examples just in case there's any confusion in which order the examples should be executed:
( cd src; python )
(see instructions above)( cd src/example_01; python )
( cd src/example_02; python )
( cd src/example_03; less README.txt )
(Read theREADME.txt
file; it's not really meant to be executed)( cd src/example_04; ansible webservers -m ping; ansible webservers -vvv -m ping )
( cd src/example_05; ansible webservers -vvv -a 'sudo yum update -y' )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_01.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_02.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_03.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_04.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_05.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_06.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_07.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_08.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; ansible-playbook demo_playbook_iter_09.yml )
( cd src/playbook_examples; less pedantically_commented_playbook )
(Read but don't execute:pedantically_commented_playbook.yml
)( cd src/role_examples; ansible-playbook demo_play_role_01.yml )
( cd src/role_examples; ansible-playbook demo_play_role_02.yml )
( cd src/role_examples; ansible-playbook demo_play_role_03.yml )
- Exploration: Log into machine;
sudo su - webuser; cd /home/webuser/sample_project; python runserver
Glen has been a full-time Python programmer since 2007 and has worked for companies such as IBM, UC Berkeley, Sprint, Informix, and many small start-ups. He has also worked both in the US and in the UK and has had Bioinformatics research published in Nucleic Acids Research (Oxford Journals). He is a certified DBA and has also been certified in Linux/Unix Administration.
He currently works for a start-up, RepairPal (for accurate car repair prices) using Ruby on Rails and Ansible. Additionally, he runs a small start up, Glen Jarvis, LLC, that does online technical training and assists employees obtaining telepresence in their current work place.
Glen is the organizer for the Silicon Valley Python MeetUp Group and an active member in the Bay Area Python Interest Group organization.
Although this probably won't be needed, here is the
documentation that is used to help you configure your ansible.cfg
Help on module configure:
configure - Configure the demo repository to make it easier to learn/follow
This takes the machine name and the AWS pem key path and configures the
ansible.cfg and ansible_hosts files. We also avoid the most common
gotcha (permissions on the downloaded key file) by setting the
permissions to be Read/Write for only the owner.
Check/configure `ansible.cfg` and `ansible_hosts`
Assuming no ansible.cfg exists, ask questions and create a new one
Assuming no hostfile file exists, ask questions and create a new one
Forcefully fix the PEM file permissions
The largest problem that new users have when connecting ot their
first AWS instance is that the permissions on the *.pem key that
they downloaded is too permissive. It really isn't a *private* key
if anyone else on the system (group or other) can read the file.
Assuming no ansible.cfg exists, ask questions and create a new one
Assuming no hostfile file exists, ask questions and create a new one
Forcefully fix the PEM file permissions
The larest problem that new users have when connecting ot their
first AWS instance is that the permissions on the *.pem key that
they downloaded is too permissive. It really isn't a *private* key
if anyone else on the system (group or other) can read the file.
We change the permissions to the file given so that only the owner
can read or write. There really isn't a reason to allow write
permissions for the key, however, these are the default permissions
for an ssh key.
Read the ansible.cfg file and parse hostfile pathname
write_ansible_cfg_file(pem_file_path, user)
Given a validated pem_file_path, write the ansible configuration file
ANSIBLE_CONFIG_FILEPATH = '...ansible-tutorial/src/ansible.cfg'
ANSIBLE_HOSTS_FILENAME = './ansible_hosts'
ANSIBLE_HOSTS_FILEPATH = '...ansible-tutorial/src/ansible_hosts'
BASE_FILE = '...ansible-tutorial/src'