
Bitfume's Task

Primary LanguagePHP

Welcome to Task

This repository is to search repositories across GitHub with their Full Name, Avatar Image, Stars, forks and GitHub links.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the GiHub Repo using download as a zip or using the git clone command from the terminal.
  2. After downloading the repo, open terminal and change directory to the repo folder.
  3. Run the command composer install to install all the packages .
  4. Run the command npm install to install all the node packages and dependencies.
  5. Copy .env.example and rename it to .env.
  6. Run the command php artisan key:generateto generate key for the application.
  7. Run npm run devto create css and js files.

And Finally !!

  1. Run Command php artisan serveto run the project.

Running the Project

  1. Type and name of the repo you want to search.
  2. Hit Enter.
  3. List of repo's with the following name will be visible in the table below.