
About ENHANCEMENT OF NXT TRENDZ - PAYMENT - Self Introduction and Project Explanation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

In this project, let's build a Nxt Trendz - Cart Features by applying the concepts we have learned till now. Live : https://ECWEBSITEVIKAS.ccbp.tech Username : rahul | Password : rahul@2021

Refer to the video below:

Design Files

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Set Up Instructions

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  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start

Completion Instructions

Functionality to be added

The app must have the following functionalities

  • When an unauthenticated user tries to access the Cart Route, then the page should be navigated to Login Route

  • Following are the features to be implemented

    • Feature 1

      • When an authenticated user tries to add the same product multiple times
        • The quantity of the product should be updated accordingly, and the count of the cart items in the header should be remained same
    • Feature 2

      • The total amount and number of items in the cart should be displayed in the Cart Route
    • Feature 3

      • In each cart item in the cart
        • When the plus icon is clicked, then the quantity of the product should be incremented by one
        • When the minus icon is clicked, then the quantity of the product should be decremented by one
        • When the quantity of the product is one and the minus icon is clicked, then the respective product should be removed from the cart
        • Based on the quantity of the product, the product price and the Cart Summary, i.e the total cost should be updated accordingly
    • Feature 4

      • When an authenticated user clicks on the remove button, cart item should be removed from the cart list
    • Feature 5

      • When an authenticated user clicks on the Remove All button, all the cart items should be removed from the cart and Empty Cart View should be displayed
    • Feature 6

      • Add a Payment Popup feature to the application. A Popup should be displayed when a user clicks the Checkout button from the cart page.
      • The Popup should include fields for the user to select one of the payment methods like Card, Net Banking, UPI, Wallet, and Cash on Delivery. Ensure all the options, except for Cash on Delivery, are disabled.
      • The Popup should also include a summary, which displays the number of items and the total price the user will pay.
      • The Popup should also have a Confirm Order button. If the Cash on Delivery payment option is not selected, the Confirm Order button must be disabled.
      • Clicking this button will display a success message stating "Your order has been placed successfully".
      • Ensure your application maintains good CSS styling.
  • The CartContext has an object as a value with the following properties

    • cartList - this key stores the cart items
    • removeAllCartItems - this method is used to remove all the cart items in the cartList
    • addCartItem - this method adds the cart item to the cartList
    • removeCartItem - this method removes the cart item from the cartList
    • incrementCartItemQuantity - this method increases the quantity of a product in the cartList
    • decrementCartItemQuantity - this method decreases the quantity of a product in the cartList
Components Structure
component structure breakdown

Implementation Files

Use these files to complete the implementation:

  • src/App.js
  • src/components/Cart/index.js
  • src/components/Cart/index.css
  • src/components/CartItem/index.js
  • src/components/CartItem/index.css
  • src/components/CartSummary/index.js
  • src/components/CartSummary/index.css

Quick Tips

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  • The line-height CSS property sets the height of a line box. It's commonly used to set the distance between lines of text

    line-height: 1.5;

    line height
  • The array method find() returns the first item's value that satisfies the provided testing function. If no item is found, it returns undefined

    Syntax: arr.find(Testing Function)

Important Note

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The following instructions are required for the tests to pass

  • BsPlusSquare, BsDashSquare icons from react-icons should be used for plus and minus buttons in cart item

  • The Cart Item should consist of two HTML button elements with data-testid attribute values as plus and minus respectively

  • AiFillCloseCircle icon from react-icons should be used for remove button in cartItem

  • The Cart Item should consist of an HTML button element with data-testid attribute values as remove

  • The product image in Cart Item Route should have the alt as title of the product

  • Prime User credentials

     username: rahul
     password: rahul@2021
  • Non-Prime User credentials

     username: raja
     password: raja@2021


Hex: #0b69ff
Hex: #171f46
Hex: #616e7c
Hex: #ffffff
  • Roboto

Things to Keep in Mind

  • All components you implement should go in the src/components directory.
  • Don't change the component folder names as those are the files being imported into the tests.
  • Do not remove the pre-filled code
  • Want to quickly review some of the concepts you’ve been learning? Take a look at the Cheat Sheets.