Tees For Me

Tech Stack


  • The front-end projfrontend is built as a simple-page-application using React.
  • React-Router is used for navigation.
  • Bootstrap 4 is used for page styling.


  • The back-end projbackend is built with Express.js and Node.js in MVC pattern, which provides completed REST APIs for data interaction.
  • JSON Web Token (JWT) is used for signing in user and making authenticated requests.


  • MongoDB is used as the back-end database, which include different data models/schemas (i.e., User, Order, Product and Category ).
  • Mongoose is used to access the MongoDB for CRUD actions (create, read, update and delete).


Running locally you need 2 terminals open: one for projfrontend, one for projbackend. Below are the steps:

  1. Install Node.js;
  2. Install MongoDB;
  3. git clone https://github.com/vikassharma1999/Tees-For-Me.git;
  4. Go to directory projbackend, and run npm install;
  5. Go to directory projfrontend, and run npm install;
  6. In projbackend directory, run npm start;
  7. In projfrontend directory, run npm start;

Then you are all set. You can go to http://localhost:3000/ to check you live application.