
Wrapper library to make snap.py Pythonic.

Primary LanguagePython


Snappyer is a thin Python library (well, actually, it's a file) on top of snap.py, version 0.8.1 or higher.

I wrote this while doing PA1 in 224W because I was tired of SNAP.py's non-Pythonic approach to life.

What on Earth?

Stop using snap.py directly. Start being happier. Snappyer exposes three classes: SnapGraph, SnapNode, and SnapEdge. They wrap up all the major functions of snap.py into classes that acutally make sense, take away all playing with pointers, and use standard Python collections wherever possible.

How do I program with this?

  • Install snap.py 0.8.1 or higher.
  • Put snappyer.py into your main directory.
  • import * from snappyer

See snappyer_test.py for everything I've implemented. Basically, use SnapGraphs, which will give you SnapNodes and SnapEdges.

You're missing a function / something is broken

Sorry, I didn't think it was important, or I haven't seen the bug. Fix it, and pull request this repo.

If you just want to get around it, you can get raw snap.py objects and put them into SNAP yourself: SnapGraph.rawGraph, SnapNode.rawNode, SnapEdge.rawEdge.

Is this efficient?

Yep. It's a thin wrapper on top of snap.py that mostly just rewrites function names. All of PA1 took this lib about 10-12 minutes to finish, which is as fast as I've heard anyone getting.

Added bonus

My IDE now auto-completes, since it can see snappyer objects.

Author / License

Stephen Trusheim, CC-BY-SA 3.0.