- 4
#183 opened by brillout - 1
bug when disabling cumulative layouts
#201 opened by RGdevz - 0
More Vike Extensions
#200 opened by brillout - 8
vue query is doing double request
#199 opened by RGdevz - 0
- 4
[vike][Wrong Usage] Can't access pageContext.pinia on the client side. Because it can't be serialized, see server logs.
#193 opened by amumufun - 7
- 2
- 33
CSS-in-JS with SSR
#141 opened by mufasa71 - 0
Dependency Dashboard
#40 opened by renovate - 2
Typo: Steam should be Stream :)
#191 opened by pdanpdan - 13
New components `<Head>` and `<Config>`
#175 opened by brillout - 24
(Re-)introduce fine-grained head settings
#73 opened by TimJohns - 3
Cumulative settings in config(htmlAttributes|bodyAttributes) should merge what is set in +config with what is set using useConfig?
#182 opened by pdanpdan - 5
The execution order of `applyHeadSettings()` (formerly `updateDocument()`) and the `useConfig()` hook
#184 opened by phonzammi - 3
`useConfig()` isn't called upon same-page navigation
#187 opened by brillout - 1
- 1
useConfig sets _configFromHook and then getHeadHtml deletes them before being used for html/body attributes
#180 opened by pdanpdan - 1
- 9
How to add some className to body?
#143 opened by 7iomka - 12
- 7
Register plugins that don't use `app.use`
#60 opened by 4350pChris - 16
- 1
Write docs for `vike-vue-pinia` and `vike-vue-query`
#135 opened by brillout - 4
Nuxt Comparison
#86 opened by brillout - 29
Support for `teleports` with Vue SSR
#87 opened by pdanpdan - 1
How to deploy to IIS server?
#144 opened by kotte-sanya - 1
Sell vike-vue + JSX?
#137 opened by brillout - 2
using pinia-plugin-persistedstate with js cookie
#140 opened by u007 - 4
vikeVuePinia causes error
#139 opened by u007 - 3
Improve DX of ClientOnly component
#67 opened by 4350pChris - 29
- 11
Progressive Rendering
#85 opened by brillout - 15
Wrong data in `useData` after client side navigation
#116 opened by pdanpdan - 11
- 20
Improve hooks?
#91 opened by brillout - 3
Release `vike-vue-{pinia,query}@0.1.0`?
#95 opened by brillout - 0
Export Vike configuration at `/config`
#92 opened by brillout - 4
- 6
How to use vue plugin
#16 opened by Jimmyzm - 3
`<ClientOnly>` Component
#27 opened by brillout - 3
I can't get working examples
#66 opened by Perlover - 0
Updating `lang` on client-side navigation
#55 opened by lourot - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#42 opened by renovate