This repository contains examples around various data structures like arrays, string, list, stack queues etc.
This is an in-progress project. I will keep adding more and more problems and examples for various data structures. If you want to contribute, feel free to submit a merge request.
Following programs have been added so far. I will keep updating this readme as soon as i add more programs to this repository.
- How to delete a middle node
- Get Kth element from last
- Remove duplicates
- Rotate matrix by 90 degree anti-clockwise
- If any element in matrix is 0, set the whole row and column to 0
- Check if two strings are permutations of each other
- Check if a String contain all unique characters
- Compress a string using basic compression technique
- Check if two strings are just one edit away from being same.
- Url-ify a string with %20
- Create ArrayList without using ArrayList
- Create StringBuilder without using StringBuilder
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- Merge sort
- Heap sort
- Quick sort
- Binary search
#Happy learning !!