
Typo is the oldest and most powerful Ruby on Rails blogware, providing custom templates, powerful drag and drop plugins API, advanced SEO capabilities, XMLRPC API and many more.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Table of contents

The missing weblog engine

Typo is a modern, lightweight, comprehensive, full featured Weblog engine using Ruby on Rails. It’s been around since 2004 and probably the oldest open source project based on Ruby on Rails.

Typo provides you with everything you need to easily publish content on the Web.

Multi user: role based management for multiple authors Web sites.

Powerful plugin engine: available both in page, as text filters and as widgets.

Comprehensive theme support: every aspect of the blog can be redesigned according to your needs without changing a single line of the core engine.

Cool API: Typo supports the various blogging engine APIs so you can publish from desktop clients.

On demand editor: Typo supports various editors (visual, plain HTML, Markdown, Textile)

Multilingual: Typo is (more or less) translated in English, French, German, Danish, Norvegian, Japanese, Hebrew, Simple Chinese, Mexicain Spanish, Italian, Lituanese, Dutch, Polish, Romanian…

Typo demo

If you want to give Typo a try, check out our full featured demo

The login / password to the admin: are:

  • Administrator: admin / admin
  • Publisher: publish / publish

The demo is reset every hours.

Download Typo

For a production blog, you should download download Typo 6.1.3

If you feel adventurous or want to hack on Typo, clone Typo repository

Install Typo locally


To install Typo you need the following:

  • Ruby 1.9.2 or 1.9.3.
  • Ruby On Rails 3.0.10
  • A database engine, MySQL, PgSQL or SQLite3

Install Typo

  1. Unzip Typo archive
  2. Rename database.yml.yourEngine as database.yml
  3. Edit database.yml to add your database name, login and password.
$ bundle install
$ rake db:create
$ ./script/rails server

You don’t need to run rake db:migrate and rake db:seed as Typo will take care of everything the first time you access

Install Typo on Heroku

In order to install Typo on Heroku, you’ll need to do some minor tweaks…


Just add the Heroku Postgres plugin to your app. When deploying, Heroku will write the database configuration so you don’t have to do anything.


You need to setup Amazon s3 storage to be able to upload files on your blog. Edit config/storage.yml

provider: AWS
engine: AWS
aws_access_key_id: YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key: YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY


Replace the default Gemfile by Gemfile.heroku : cp Gemfile Gemfile.heroku. Heroku may also needs the ruby version to be declared, you may add ruby "1.9.3" after the source to use the latest Ruby version.

Heroku will also boot your app on Webrick, the default Ruby web server, which is rather slow. Just add thin to get some free speed.

Now, run

bundle install


Heroku needs Gemfile.lock to be in the Git repository. Remove Gemfile.lock from .gitignore and add it git add .gitignore Gemfile.lock

Create a simple theme

Typo offers a very slick and evolved theme engine. It allows theme developers to override every view of the application, or just add their own layout, stylesheet, and let Typo do the job.

A Typo template is made a minima with 3 main files:

  • The layout.
  • A CSS stylesheet.
  • An about file using markdown.
  • You can eventually add a screenshot, and some fancy pictures in your theme, but they are not mandatory.

Browsing a default Typo theme looks like:

      \_ my theme
                 \_ about.markdown
                 \_ images
                 \_ layouts
                           \_ default.html.erb
                 \_ preview.png
                 \_ stylesheets
                               \_ style.css

Your main file is in layouts/default.html.erb, which is your theme main template. This is a simple RHTML file in which you’ll call Typo main methods.


This is a standard HTML file header, along with some ruby calls. Nothing complicated at all here.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="fr">
<head profile="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
  <title><%= h(page_title) %></title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="fr" />

  <%= stylesheet_link_tag "/stylesheets/theme/style", :media => ‘all’ %>
  <%= page_header %>

There are some things you must pay attention to:

  • h(page_title) is the title of the current document. This is generated by Typo, and translation in supported languages is done when avaliable.
  • stylesheet_link_tag is where you call your CSS stylesheet. It will always be in /stylesheets/theme/. Some call it style.css, some application.css, but do whatever you want.
  • page_header withh display a page header generated by Typo. It will provide:
    • ICBM tag, for geo localization.
    • Your meta description.
    • Your meta keywods.
    • Your RSD.
    • URLs for both your RSS and Atom feeds, for automatic discovery.
    • Stylesheets used by Typo embedded plugins, so that you don’t have to care.
    • Google analytics tags, if provided.


Every div included here are not mandatory. You just need to care about the ruby calls.

<div id="header">
  <h1><a href="<%= this_blog.base_url %>"><%= this_blog.blog_name %></a></h1>
  <h2><%= this_blog.blog_subtitle %></h2>

<div id="page">
  <div id="content">
    <%= yield %>

  <div id="sidebar">
    <%= render_sidebars %>

The importants things are:

  • this_blog.base_url is your blog URL defined in your settings.
  • this_blog.name is your blog title, defined in your settings.
  • this_blog.blog_subtitle is your blog tagline, defined in your settings.
  • yield is the most important part of your layout. It renders the page main content according to what you’re browsing (articles, tags, categories…)
  • render_sidebars displays your sdebar made of Typo plugins.

Here you are. You can now build a standard Typo theme and profit from the great things Typo can provide.

Advanced theme cration

Typo offers custom post type. Let’s say you blog about tech and wine, and want to display wine posts differently. You upload an attached picture to every wine related post and want it to be displayed in every article. You also have a custom CSS for wine blocks, and don’t want people to comment your wine reviews (this to make the sample template more readable). You also want to apply this to the category page.

Pave the path

First, login to your blog admin and go to Article ~~> Post Types. Create a new post type called Wine.

Now, create a new category in Articles~~> Categories. We’ll call it Wine too.

Create the templates

Create 2 custom templates: one to display wine related articles, and one to display the Wine category.

First, create a templates called wine.html.erb in your theme/views/articles/ directory. If the views/articles directory doesn’t exist, create it. The template will probably look like something like this:

<div class="wine" %>>
  <h2><%= link_to_permalink @article, @article.title %></h2>
  <p class="auth"><%= _("Posted by")%> <%= author_link(@article) %>
  <%= display_date_and_time @article.published_at %></p>
  <%= @article.html(:body) %>
  <!-- This display the attached images -->
  <% @article.resources.each do |upload| %>
    <img src='<%= "#{this_blog.base_url}/files/#{upload.filename}" %>' class="centered" />
  <% end %>
  <div class="extended">
    <%= @article.html(:extended) %>

<p class="meta">
  <%= article_links @article %>

Do the same with the wine category. In your theme /views/categories, create a wine.html.erb template. This is adapted from the category/show.html.erb of one of the stock themes.

<h1><%= link_to "Wine", "#{this_blog.base_url}/category/#{params[:id]}" %></h1>

<div class='category-excerpt <%= "border" if @article_counter >= 0 %>' id="article-<%= article.id %>">

<% @articles.each do |article| %>
  <h2><%= link_to_permalink(article, article.title) %></h2>
  <p class="auth"><%= _("Posted by")%> <%= author_link(earticle) %>
  <%= display_date_and_time article.published_at %></p>
  <%= article.html(:body) %>
  <!-- This display the attached images -->
  <% article.resources.each do |upload| %>
    <img src='<%= "#{this_blog.base_url}/files/#{upload.filename}" %>' class="centered" />
  <% end %>
  <div class="extended">
    <%= article.html(:extended) %>
<% end %>

<div id='paginate'>
  <%= paginate @articles, { :previous_label => _('Previous'), :next_label => _('Next')  } %>

Here you are, you can now write about wine. Just don’t forget to chose the wine post type within the editor.

Advanced plugins

Create the plugin

As Typo plugins are just plain Rails plugins, creation is kinda trivial.

./script/rails generate plugin typo_sample_plugin

Create some folders to reflect a Rails application tree:

cd vendor/plugins/typo_sample_plugin
mkdir -p app/controllers/admin app/models app/helpers/admin config app/views/admin

Make your code accessible

Mmake Typo access your code. Edit your init.rb file and add the following:

PLUGIN_NAME = 'typo_sample_plugin'
PLUGIN_PATH = "#{::Rails.root.to_s}/vendor/plugins/#{PLUGIN_NAME}"

config.autoload_paths += %W(#{TypoSamplePlugin::PLUGIN_CONTROLLER_PATH}  

ActionView::Base.send(:include, TypoSamplePlugin::Helper)

The routing

Unless Rails generators, your plugin won’t be allowed to change routes.rb. We want our end users to remove them if they don’t want them anymore. So we’re going to create our own config/routes.rb. It’s going to look like this:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  map.connect 'sample_plugin/:action', :controller => 'typo_sample', :action => 'index'

  %w{ sample_plugin }.each do |i|
    map.connect "/admin/#{i}", :controller => "admin/#{i}", :action => 'index'
    map.connect "/admin/#{i}/:action/:id", :controller => "admin/#{i}", :action => nil, :id => nil

I know, we’re still using Rails 2 routing DSL. It’s bad but Rails 3 can’t handle everything we do.

The first block is for your frontend controllers, the second one for the admin. Easy as pie isn’t it?

The models

Add your models files in app/models exactly like on any Rails application. You can use any Active Record relations you want and access or extend existing Typo models.

To create your database schema, edit your init.rb file, and add the following code:

unless ::TypoSamplePlugin.table_exists?
  ActiveRecord::Schema.create_table(TypoSamplePlugin.table_name) do |t|
    t.column :name,  :string
    t.column :description,  :text

The front


To be able to display your content within your Typo blog layout, every front end controller will need the following code:

class TypoSamplePluginController < ActionController::Base 
  layout :theme_layout
  before_filter :template_root

  def template_root
    self.class.view_paths = ::ActionController::Base.view_paths.dup.unshift(TypoSamplePlugin::PLUGIN_VIEWS_PATH)

  def theme_layout
    File.join("#{::Rails.root.to_s}/themes/#{Blog.default.theme}/views", Blog.default.current_theme.layout(self.action_name))


There’s certainly a cleaner way to do it by not repeating the code, but I’ll dig it later.


Nothing special here. Really.

The admin

OK, now you want to give your plugin a fancy back office? Let’s go.

Add your modules to the admim

Edit your init.rb. In your model creation block, add the following:

admin = Profile.find_by_label('admin')
admin.modules << :typosampleplugin

publisher = Profile.find_by_label('publisher')
publisher.modules << :typosampleplugin

This will update both admin and publisher profiles giving them the rights to access your plugin admin.

Add them to the access control list (and the menu as well). This is still in init.rb

AccessControl.map :require => [ :admin, :publisher, :contributor ]  do |map|
  map.project_module :typosampleplugin, nil do |project|
    project.menu    "My plugin meny",  { :controller => "admin/typo_sample_plugin" }
    project.submenu "My submenu", {:controller => "admin/typo_sample_plugin_other" }

Edit your lib/typo_sample_plugin.rb and add the following:

module Helper
  def class_typosampleplugin
  return class_selected_tab if controller.controller_name  =~ /typo_sample_plugin/

This will allow you to manage the tabs highligh in the admin.


Your controllers will go to app/controllers/admin and will all look like this, pretty like normal admin controller:

module Admin; end

class Admin::TypoSamplePluginController < Admin::BaseController
  layout 'administration'



Typo plugins admin views look like normal admin views. Minimum code is:

<% @page_heading = _('Sample plugin') %>
<% subtabs_for(:typosampleplugin) %>

You can access any admin helper like save_or_cancel or link_to_new.

Useful links

Enhance your blog

More resources:


If you need help or want to contribute to Typo, you should start with the following:


This is a list of Typo maintainers. If you have committed, please add your name and contact details to the list.

Frédéric de Villamil frederic@typosphere.org blog: http://t37.net irc: neuro`

Matijs van Zuijlen blog: http://www.matijs.net/blog/ irc: matijs

Thomas Lecavelier blog: http://blog.ookook.fr/ irc: ook

Yannick François blog: http://elsif.fr irc: yaf

And many more cool people who’ve one day or another contributed to Typo.

Original Author: Tobias Luetke blog: http://blog.leetsoft.com/ irc: xal

Enjoy, The Typo team